Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Ford Explorer Defective Tires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ford Explorer Defective Tires - Essay Example It is imperative to note that it is both a legal and social obligations for companies to engage in such Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Consequently, most organizations focus on similar responsibility actions for example supporting activities that seem to protect the environment. In addition, there are many strategies, which companies employ in order to execute the above CSR phenomenon in a successful manner. For example, a business organization could opt to outsource a company, which in turn assists in the company’s societal responsibility. Alternatively, the company could include a permanent department in its structure. Such a permanent structure could perform all activities, which involve improving the public relations of the company. Evidently, the aim of most activities is to increase the individual company’s profits by improving its diverse public image. Finally, individuals who benefit from activities of corporate responsibility always aspire to engage in business deals with the respective companies hence the importance of CSR. According to Charles, & Hill, Carroll’s model is a detailed development of an early model of CSR by Sethi. Evidently, Carroll’s model gives a highlight of such facets of responsibility as economic, legal ethical and philanthropic orientations. Consequently, the above facets follow a universal pyramid of significance. Most reports indicate that in the past companies displayed bias in choosing the corporate responsibility activities hence the relevance of Carroll’s Model.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Investigation of whether Poverty Causes Crime
Investigation of whether Poverty Causes Crime In the current essay we will discuss the fact that poverty causes crime. Poverty is a characteristic of the economic situation of the individual or social group in which they cannot satisfy a certain range of the minimum requirements needed for life saving ability. Poverty is a relative concept and depends on the overall standard of living in the society. According to experts, not getting decent wages for their work, young people gradually lose the desire to marry and to have children they are full of fear for tomorrow, not sure that tomorrow they will not be fired because of another financial crisis. In addition, low wages and lack of jobs, experts say, are pushing young people to commit crimes in order to get rich quickly. It is, therefore, among criminals, increases the number of adolescents, aged 18 to 25 years. Poverty is a consequence of diverse and interrelated reasons, which combine into the following groups: economic (unemployment, low wages, low productivity, lack of competitiveness of the industry); socio-medical (disability, old age, high levels of morbidity); Demographic (parent families, a large number of dependents in the family); socio-economic (low level of social guarantees); educational qualifications (a low level of education, lack of training); political (military conflict, forced migration); regional-geographic (uneven development of regions). As well, current crisis makes people react and do something, even if it is illegal, they start committing a crime. Poverty causes many crimes, as if a person was not poor and had faith in himself, he would not face the thought that he should search another ways to get money. According to Crime Causes Poverty (2010), being poor, which could be caused by different reasons, makes a person unhappy, incapable to earn enough money, to buy anything he wants or at least something necessary. Poverty determines a certain stereotype in a persons thoughts, and he does not see any constructive solving of the problem, as he wants to choose the easiest way of getting money, even harming other people. According to Borade (2007), poverty has a huge psychological influence on people, who become depressed, desperate and then they decide to commit a crime, as they have not found anything that can legally get them out of such situation. Too many problems that a person faces in the modern society makes him get angrier on the whole situation and forces to look for the new ways of solving his problem. The desperate economical situation in the country and consequently the lack of the work places, especially for young people, creates the thoughts and actions of crime. No guarantees from the government and no proper help to people who are poor leads to the chaos and misunderstanding, where the only way out they find, is to commit a crime. Poverty as a social phenomenon in a historical sense is of lasting value. The extent and depth of immersion of the people in the country reflects two important aspects of society the level of development of productive forces and the corresponding character of their operation principle of social justice. Most often, poverty is treated as financial insecurity of people, when income of a person or family does not allow maintaining socially necessary consumption for life, interfering with normal living and personal development. According to Mac Donald 2010), poverty serves as guidelines for shaping social policy. This phenomenon is assessed by using indicators of absolute and relative poverty, its depth and severity, as well as by the subjective perception of their individual well-being and quality of life. To determine the effect of poverty on crime, there may be also another way: by studying the living conditions of the poor and convicted before they commit crimes. As a consequence of the fact that poverty causes crime, criminally distorted psychology of society, values and personality, as a direct cause of crime are expressed by more than just greed, aggression, irresponsibility and neglect of criminal law prohibitions, as stated by Charen (2007). It has several forms: greed, the cause component of the Organized Crime and Entrepreneurship, parasitism, irresponsibility, situational robbery, when crimes are committed to meet the immediate material needs, poverty is an incentive for the physical survival. At a gain now there is 80% of the totality of the causes of crime at this time. The main source of crime in any society is the aggravation of his social contradictions. It is also defined as meaningful and with the quantifiable features of the formation, which are within the specific time parameters. It is known, that the technologically advanced capitalist countries do not have the same level of crimes. As a fact, crimes begin from the childhood. As a rule, if a child was born in a poor family, there are more chances that he will start committing crimes. All over the world there is propaganda of a luxurious way of life, of successful people, of expensive mansions, cars, of beautiful journeys, etc. When children and adolescents see that and understand that parents will not provide them with all these things, they start looking for the opportunity to get money fast in order to buy at least something. And consequently, they decide to commit a crime. According to Barr (1992), the crimes committed by adolescents are considered the cruelest. The majority of cases of all crimes show that a driving force of the crimes is the money. The values of the society are built the way that those people with the problems in their minds decide to bring closer all these luxurious things. One of the main aspects that can prevent poverty is education. If children are educated properly, then they will perceive the reality as it is and they will try to succeed in legal ways by studying and then getting a job. Sometimes, crimes are the symptom of the culture, and education can cure the cultural poverty, and only then the financial poverty will be cured itself as a consequence. As a fact, not only poor people commit crimes, as there are also rich people who have no boundaries in their actions and also power and they also commit crimes to get more money and power, according to McGrath (2009). Considering the statistics, the total number of the seven index crimes is reported to police per 100,000 inhabitants in the United States. The research states that if to reduce poverty, crime will be reduced, although with the crisis that has begun in 2008, there have been registered less crimes, although there are more poor people because of the crisis. As an example of it, in the first decade of the XXI century crime in the United States has tended to decline. By the end of the decade, crime rates, according to many indicators, have fallen dramatically, despite the economic crisis of 2008-2010. In some cities such as New York, the crime rate has dropped to the record lows. With the onset of recession in the U.S., many media outlets have expressed fears that the crisis (for example, increased unemployment and reduced real incomes of people) will lead to a rapid increase in crime. FBI report shows that these fears have not yet been met. Published in the 2008, the study of the Heritage Foundation has shown that the relationship between economic perturbations and the crime exists, but it is not so clear. Thus, in the United States there is a nation-wide crime statistics since 1934. During all this time only for 16 years the crime rate has declined. The crime rate has steadily increased from 1955 to 1972, although this time the U.S. economy has experienced a rapid period of development, and then a recession occurred only in mid-1960. In turn, during the Great Depression statistics was only for the period from 1934 to 1938 criminals have shown less activity. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a preliminary report on crime rates in the U.S. in 2009. This statistics is based on data provided by about 17 thousand law enforcement agencies of different jurisdictions. The main conclusions of the report, compared to 2008, is that the number of property crimes in the U.S. decreased by 6.1%, violent crimes by 4,4%. According to the report, this year the number of murders in the U.S. fell by 10%, robberies on 6,5%, rape by 3,3%. Among property crimes, the most significantly decreased the number of thefts of cars (by 18.7%), theft (by 5.3%) and burglary (2.5%). The greatest reductions in crime were noted in cities with populations exceeding one million. In addition to FBI statistics, the crime rate measures the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics by the Census Bureau (study called National Crime Victimization Survey). Since 1973, there have been annually polled 70-80 thousand of households (family or group of people living together and h aving a total budget), to identify about how many actually committed crimes Americans have not informed the police. The last time similar research was conducted in 2008. It has shown that the victims of the criminals Americans do not always turn to law enforcement agencies: becoming the victims of violent crimes, they shall notify the police in 51.2% of the property in 39.6% of cases. Another important indicator for gauging the level of crime in the U.S. is a traditional study conducted the service Gallup Rating the perception of crime. Every year Gallup asks Americans to estimate whether increased or decreased the number of crimes in their area and across the country. In the recent years, such survey was conducted in September 2009. Then 74% of Americans said that compared with last year the crime rate in the U.S. grew, and 15% reported that the situation has improved. The rise in crime in their area was 51%, decrease 29%. As a fact, 12% of respondents said that the situation with crime in their place of residence was very serious; the crime rate across the United States similarly estimated 55% of respondents. It is curious that in the last decade, both of these indicators remain fairly stable, fluctuating slightly. As a rule, those countries where there is no proper economic regulations, there are more chances that people will react negatively and commit more crimes, as the consequence of unhappy life and no perspective in such countries. Although there is no proof of the direct connection of the fact that poverty is the main motive to commit a crime, as there are many factors present in the minds of people who in different situations can act differently. According to Francis (2008), it is not quite explicable, that the fact that while there is a depression and economical crisis all over the world, people do not commit more crimes, as the statistics shows that people do not intend to commit more crimes. The consequences and the logic of this fact are not fully understandable. In the modern world everything changes so quickly that people get accustomed to the situation, they learn the rules of the game and probably they try to find a better way to earn money and succeed than to commit a crime. T here can be also hope that the more people get more education, the more they get the proper knowledge, the better they understand life and the rules to survive. The more people know, the better they understand the situations, the values, the perspective, the more ideas they have, the more creative they are and the more they feel capable to find a job and to succeed in life. In poor countries such as Brazil and the countries of the former Soviet Union, there are millions of poor people who do not have a way out because of the lack of any perspectives to find a job, as the level of corruption is extremely high. According to Langeneckert (2010), in such countries is especially visible the difference and the gap between the extremely rich and very poor people. There are almost no middle class people who have a job, a house and other benefits. According to Crime (2009), there are almost no chances to combat it, as poor and desperate people in these countries do not see any other opportunity except committing a crime. The obvious injustice and no social guarantees make people feel as losers, who see the luxurious life and who cannot touch it. As a fact, there is a lot of envy because of such a big gap and so much poverty. Each country has its problems and level of poverty, but there is one main point- the lack of money. According to Brill (1993), if people had money at least for the basic needs, there would be no such level of poverty. And as Aristotle said: Poverty is a source of disturbance and crime, which means that little problem becomes a huge problem if there is nothing useful done to prevent it. That is why the right policy of the country will be able to eliminate poverty and along with that there will be no crime in the future. What factors specifically lead to poverty in the countries? This is the high level of unemployment, a significant number of jobs that do not provide a living wage, as well as reducing the number of social service costs. It can be emphasized that poverty reduction should not be a charity event. It must go against strong social inequalities. The only way to do this is to foster a society of equal opportunities. If we deal only with short-term problems in order to achieve short term objectives rather than to focus on strategic issues of economic and social development, we may miss the last chance to make the country the basis for a viable, long-term development based on economic and social modernization. So, the agenda should include the following vital issues: Reducing inequality and providing our citizens with the opportunity to realize their constitutional rights; Restoration of a common economic space; Infrastructure development through the joint efforts of government and the private sector (roads, railways, ports, airports, bridges, power lines, electricity, etc.); The solution of demographic problems of the countries; The rise of living standards (including environmental problems); Eliminating unevenness in the level of regional development; Harmonization of interethnic relations in the country and the creation of normal living conditions for the communities; National security and territorial integrity; The safety of citizens; As a fact, it is easier to prevent poverty than to deal with its consequences. The fact that people commit crimes when they are poor does not justify them. But the government has to take measures to prevent the poverty, there should be created more opportunities for people to work, as keeping people busy can prevent crimes and even the thoughts of it. Proper economical policy, positive changes in the social sphere, economical issues and employment can guarantee the higher level of education and understanding the principles, which will help to avoid the crime in the future. There should be also organized the certain campaigns aimed at the reduction of poverty, as it in some cases causes crime. Anyway, if the importance of money was not so crucial these days, probably, the majority of people would not commit crimes. As it is very difficult to be different from everyone in the society that values the materialistic ideas, the goods and products, it becomes a real challenge not to have goals to buy the things or to own something. It happens because the society judges those who are different, who have different vision, goals, principles and ideas. That is why people are almost forced to do everything the right way to be as everyone else is, to work and to succeed. And if there are no possibilities for that in the country, people start looking for other wrong ways to reach it anyway. They start looking for the easiest, quickest and lowest ways to reach their goal, and that is why robberies, different violent crimes and thefts occur. Some people, after committing them, feel innocent, as they think that if the government did not give certain things and possibilities to them, then they have the right to take things or money from the richer people. Deceiving themselves, people live in their own world that is so narrow, that allows them to commit a crime and to presume that no one will ever know. As a fact, it is sad that a reality is that money takes a very important place in peoples lives. Everything people do to earn money sometimes in not enough, that is why arise different problems which lead to the thoughts to commit a crime as that last opportunity. Everyone wants to live worthily and this desire determines unexpected behavior. Often people want to prove something to their friends, family, loved ones, but they do not manage to achieve it in a legal way, choosing instead the lowest possible way to commit a crime, thinking that from that moment on everything would change for the better. It is obvious that money rules the world, which is why almost every crime is based on the desire to get more money at any cost. Those who commit crime do not usually think about consequences and they pay for everything they have done later. Sometimes people just lack the patience and they want to have everything too soon without any considerable long time efforts. Consequently, this practice does not work and people are forced to pay for everything they have done. According to McIlheran (2010), psychological help and support in difficult situations can help and benefit people to overcome difficulties, challenging times and other problems. Being open to discussions, to new ideas, to new opportunities and options, people can stop thinking about committing a crime because they are poor. The capacity to believe in yourself, in the future possibilities and in the brighter future lacks in the minds of the people. It is surprising that people commit crimes, as it is obvious that sooner or l ater they will pay for what they have done and it is important to take control of the life. According to Short (1997), the mistake is that people sometimes consider themselves cleverer than the others are, and think they are capable of changing their life easily by harming someone else. This method, fortunately, does not work. Being realistic and optimistic at the same time can save situation and turn life to the better. All in all, only the right policies of the countries can solve this problem and make people understand and see other right ways to earn money and to get out of poverty. People are instruments in the hands of the government and they play by its rules. If there will be more opportunities and proper social conditions for people to live and work, the crimes that are caused by poverty will not take place anymore. A lot depends on the country that people live in, and on the fact how they see their future, which possibilities and advantages they can find and want to implement in their lives. Anyway, everything depends on a choice a person makes, wherever he lives and whatever he has.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hacking :: Essays Papers
Hacking Computer Crime It's the weekend, you have nothing to do so you decide to play around on your computer. You turn it on and then start up, you start calling people with your modem, connecting to another world, with people just like you at a button press away. This is all fine but what happens when you start getting into other peoples computer files. Then it becomes a crime, but what is a computer crime really, obviously it involves the use of a computer but what are these crimes. Well they are: Hacking, Phreaking, & Software Piracy. To begin I will start with Hacking, what is hacking. Hacking is basically using your computer to "Hack" your way into another. They use programs called scanners which randomly dials numbers any generating tones or carriers are recorded. These numbers are looked at by hackers and then used again, when the hacker calls up the number and gets on he's presented with a logon prompt, this is where the hacking really begins, the hacker tries to bypass this anyway he knows how to and tries to gain access to the system. Why do they do it, well lets go to a book and see "Avid young computer hackers in their preteens and teens are frequently involved in computer crimes that take the form of trespassing, invasion of privacy, or vandalism. Quite often they are mearly out for a fun and games evening, and they get entangled in the illegal use of their machines without realizing the full import of what they are doing", I have a hard time believing that so lets see what a "hacker" has to say about what he does "Just as they were enthraled with their pursuit of information, so are we. The thrill of the hack is not in breaking the law, it's in the pursuit and capture of knowledge.", as you can see the "hacker" doesn't go out to do destroy things although some do. It's in the pursuit of knowledge. Of course this is still against the law. But where did all of this start, MIT is where hacking started the people there would learn and explore computer systems all around the world. In the views of professional hacking is like drugs or any other addictive substance, it's an addiction for the mind and once started it's difficult to stop. This could be true, as hackers know what they are doing is wrong and they know odds are they will be caught.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Children Utilize Their Mathematical Mind as Part of Their Natural Progression Essay
â€Å"Dr Maria Montessori took this idea that the human has a mathematical mind from a French philosopher Pascal and developed a revolutionary math learning material for children as young as 3 years old. Her mathematical materials allow the children to begin their mathematical journey from a concrete concept to abstract idea†. With reference to the above statement please discuss how these children utilize their mathematical mind as part of their natural progression, to reason, to calculate and estimate with these Montessori mathematical materials in conjunction with their aims and presentations? What is a mathematical mind? The Mathematical Mind’ refers to the unique tendencies of the human mind. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal said that ‘every human being is born with a mathematical mind’. Dr. Montessori borrowing this concept, further explained that the mathematical mind is the â€Å"sort of mind which is built up with ‘exactitude’†. â€Å"In our work therefore, we have given a name to this part of the mind which is built up with exactitude, and we call it the ‘mathematical mind’. I take the term from Pascal, the French Philosopher, Physicist and Mathematician, who said that the man’s mind was mathematical by nature, and that knowledge and progress came from accurate observation.†– Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 17, Pg. 169 She said the qualities of a mathematical mind was such that always tends to estimate; needs to quantify, to see identity, similarity, difference, and patterns to make order and sequence. The concepts within the mathematical mind do not simply refer to common associations with math, such as basic operations. Instead, Montessori believed that the human tendencies lead one to be mathematical in thought. That is, basic human tendencies such as order, orientation, exactness, repetition, activity, and manipulation of objects, all lead to the development of a mathematical process of thought. â€Å"The child perceives, without conscious reasoning, patterns of relationships: things to things, things to people, pe ople to people†¦ The mathematical mind [therefore] is a power to organize, classify and quantify within the context of our life experience†Mathematics is not only about additions or subtractions a child learns at the school, it is all around the child from the day he is born (or may be well before that). It is a well known fact that an embryo can hear its mother. So the mother says â€Å"the baby kicked me twelve times today†or â€Å"my delivery is within another two weeks†when he was in her stomach. And then after he was born he may hear ‘you were born on the second’ or ‘at eight you go to the bed’ or ‘one button is missing in your pajama shirt’ or in the society he may be questioned ‘how many sisters or brothers do you have?’ etc., A child’s day to day life is all connected with mathematics and all the basic conversations he has is very much involved with mathematics. In that case the child is born to a world that is full of math, created by human for their benefits and the child needs to adapt to it. Children need math to sort, categorize and group things within his environment. They need to count, they need to learn the time and then gradually they need to work with arithmetic’s, geometry and algebra in the school when they grow up. â€Å"We must convey to the child the belief that we have made mathematics ourselves, and that we re-make it every time we move, think, work or play. We should help the child understand that it is simply part of our being human to have a mathematical mind†. – Gettman D, BASIC MONTESSORI, Chapter 1, Page 159. Teaching mathematics to a young Montessori child is not a difficult task as he is very much exposed to numbers during his day to day life. By the time they enter into the Montessori school most of them are able to count one to ten (we call this â€Å"rote counting†, they just count without knowing the real meaning of the counting). Even in the prepared environment, though the child does not directly work with the mater ials within the math shelf as he enters, he however indirectly learns math concepts such as repetition, calculation, exactness, fraction, estimation and classification and most importantly order through the practical life activities. A significant discovery that Dr. Montessori made was the importance of offering indirect preparation for the math materials while children were in the sensitive periods for movement and the refinement of the senses. It is through children’s work with the Exercises of Practical Life and Sensorial materials that they first encounter and experience the concepts of measurement, sequence, exactness, and calculation Sensorial education is the basis of mathematics. Dr. Montessori said that children are sensorial learners. They learn and experience the world through their five senses. So sensorial education helps the child to create a mental order of the concepts he grasps using his five senses. â€Å"The skill of man’s hand is bound up with the development of his mind, and in the light of history we see it connected with the development of civilization.†– Maria Montessori, THE ABSORBENT MIND, Chap 14. pg. 138 Montessori firmly believed that the ‘handsâ €™ are the mother of skills. By providing Montessori sensorial materials to the child she was convinced that correct manipulation with quality and quantity would certainly create a lasting impression in the child’s mind with the understanding of mathematics. We place materials quite intentionally on trays, we color code activities, materials are displayed in a logical sequence, and we break down movements during presentations into series of sequential steps. The sensorial materials simply present three mathematics concepts of completeness, geometry and early algebra. Dr. Montessori was convinced that there are two things to be introduced before working with mathematics. â€Å"Before beginning mathematics work, the child must therefore do two things: explore and accept the notion of idealized things with isolated qualities, and gain practice in the requisite intellectual.†– MMI Mathematics Course Manual pg. 6 The child’s intellectual skills are developed through both practical life and sensorial activities. In practical life activities, children practice calculation skills when determining how much water to pour when carrying out exercises like pouring water from jug to bottle with an indicator line, or spooning beans from bowl to bowl with an indicator line, or from jug to jug; up to the more complex activities of sweeping which have the qualities of repetition, calculation and exactness. The Sensorial work is a preparation for the study of sequence and progression. It helps the child build up spatial representations of quantities and to form images of their magnitudes such as with the Pink Tower, knobbed cylinder etc. These sensorial materials also provides the child with the skills of calculation with the pink tower and red rods; as the child judges the size and length of the cubes and rods respectively, as well as repetition with baric tablets etc., All of the materials in the Montessori classroom have been specifically designed to attract the interest of the student, while at the same time teaching an important concept. The purpose of each material is to isolate a certain concept the child is bound to discover. The Montessori maths program is divided into parts to facilitate a sequential and gradual progress in the maths concepts starting from simple to complex. During circle time, informal activities or games are introduced to initiate complex maths concepts like seriation, one-to-one correspondence, sorting and more in the simplest way. Without counting or even uttering a number name, the child is actually introduced to maths through preliminary maths activities. Dr. Montessori also said, ‘what the hand does the mind remembers’. The very first math material to be presented to the child is the number rods. Number rods are very concrete and help the child to feel and understand meaningful counting. It is also not very new to the child as he has already worked with the red rods before. The only difference is number rods are colour coded with red and blue, which helps the child to visually discriminate the difference in length and then to count the rod. The teacher presents the material by a three period lesson, and by repeating the same activity again and again, the child understands that two means two things and three means t hree things and so on and so forth. The aim of the number rod is to help the child Learn the names of numbers 1-10 and visually associate the numbers with the quantity as well as to show that each number is represented by a single object, as a whole, separate from others. The number rods help the child memorize the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10. When the child counts one rod as a single unit, he immediately notices an increment in the number rod â€Å"2†even though it is still a single unit thereby helping him to associate the numbers to the quantity. â€Å"Rarely, however, can he count with certainty the fingers of one hand, and when he does succeed, in doing this, there is always the difficulty of knowing why,†¦The extreme exactness and correctness of a child’s mind need clear and precise help. When numerical rods are given to children, we see them even the smallest take a lively interest in counting.††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child, Chapter 18, pg. 265 . â€Å"The satisfaction of discovery leads to an enthusiastic interest in numbers when the child is able to demonstrate the fundamental mathematical operations, rather than simply being told seemingly dull and meaningless facts. He physically holds the quantities that he sees represented by written symbols. He combines the materials, counts, separates and compares them while visually grasping and reinforcing the ideas in a way that is concrete, rather than abstract.††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Teaching Montessori at Home. Now the child is working with the concrete materials to understand the quantities of numerals one to ten and then he knows the written symbols too. The next step is to teach him how to combine the quantities with the written symbols. This is done through a set of fun games. The Teacher invites the child to bring the number cards and the rods to the mat and then gets the child to identify the concrete value (the rod) first and then find and match the number card with the rod. Next the teacher requests the child to identify the number cards randomly and match them with the rods. This activity helps the teacher to observe how thoroughly the child is familiar with the numbers. The next two games help the child to understand the sequence of numbers. When the numbers and the rods are randomly scattered on the mat, the teacher requests the child to identify the number rods in sequence and then match the numbers with it and build the stair then in the next activity the child identifies the number cards in sequence and then matches with the respective rods and builds the stair. The aims of these exercises is to establish the child in the recognition of numerical symbols 1-10., as well as help him learn association of quantity to symbol and also help the child understand quantity and sequence of numbers using manipulatives. Once the child is very clear with numerals one to ten, the next step is to teach the decimal system. Decimals are introduced to the child with the concrete manipulation using the golden beads. Through a three period lesson, the child is introduced to one, ten, hundred and thousand. The child feels and sees what one means by a small unit and then sees that ten is a long bar and then hundred is a flat square of ten ten-bars bound together and finally the thousand is a cube made up of ten 100 squares. The child can visually discriminate the difference in the sizes of different value and then feels it too. ‘Counting through’ helps them to further internalize the concept of decimal system. The teacher counts up to nine units and t hen says ‘if we have one more unit we will have a ten bar’. So this helps the child to understand that to make ten we need ten units. Then to make hundred we need ten ten-bars and then finally the thousand cube is made out of ten hundred-squares. The great deal begins with the decimal system operations. Here the child is introduced to additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions. The child learns the exact abstract way of additions or subtractions using the golden beads and large and small number banks. All these activities are teacher directed and working with these activities, helps the child understand that addition means combining two amounts together and then have a big amount at last; that subtractions means giving some amount away from what he had and then what remains is a small amount; that multiplication means having the same amount in to different numbers of times and gets a large amount as the answer; and finally, that divisions are giving the amount away equally or unequally among two or three people. These operations are very concrete to the child since he sees and manipulates the materia l. After manipulating with the concrete materials, the child moves to the abstract counting. Using the large number cards, the teacher introduces the written symbols of power of ten (the decimal system). Then moves to the ‘counting through’ with the written symbols. Once the child is through with quantities and the written symbols the teacher shows the child to link concrete with abstract making the ‘Bird’s eye view’. Through the bird’s eye view the child can clearly see the process of the quantity increases with the written symbols. It gives the child the sensorial impression that when the symbol increases from one to ten, ten to hundred and hundred to thousand value of the quantity also goes higher. The aim of introducing the decimal system, is to help the child understand the concept of ten, learn the composition of numbers as well as the place value system and their equivalencies. After the decimal system operations, the child progresses to informal recording. By this time, the child knows the numbers very well and he is familiar w orking with sums too. The informal recording introduces the child to small number rods. In the first presentation, he is concretely introduced to composition keeping ten as a guide and showing him how to make ten using rods up to six. Decomposition is also equally concrete, first he makes ten and then takes one away the child sees he is left with nine. During this presentation, the symbols of plus, minus and equal to, are also introduced and in the second presentation he is introduced to recording. The teen board is introduced to the child when he is through with the decimal system. It is also called ‘linear counting’. The short bead stairs varying in colour and quantity (one is red, two is green, three is pink, four is yellow, five is light blue, six is purple, seven is white, eight is brown and nine is deep blue) The coloured bead bars show clearly the separate entities from 1 to 9 and the ten-bars are the main concrete materials involved with the linear counting. First of all, the child learns to build the short bead stair and then combines the short bead stairs with ten bars to teach the names of quantities eleven to nineteen. When the child understands the names of values, the written symbols are introduced through the ‘sequin board A’. Similarly the names of quantities from ten to ninety are also introduced and then the ‘sequin board B’ is used to teach the abstract concept of written symbols. The hundred and thousand bead chains reinforce the child’s counting from one to a thousand and also helps the teacher to evaluate child’s standards with understanding counting. The coloured bead bars show clearly the separate entities from 1 to 9, in combination with the tens they show the child that numbers 11 to 19 are made of ten and a number 1 to 9 The purpose of introducing the child to the linear counting exercises is to develop the child’s ability to recognize and count to any number. As well as learn skip counting. The child’s own sound knowledge of the numbers 1 to 10 and their numerical order acts as a guide â€Å"This system in which a child is constantly moving objects with his hands and actively exercising his senses, also takes into account a child’s special aptitude for mathematics. When they leave the material, the children very easily reach the point where they wish to write out the operation. They thus carry out an abstract mental operation and acquire a kind of natural and spontaneous inclination for mental calculations.†– Montessori M., The Discovery Of The Child, Chapter 19, pg. 279 BIBLIOGRAPHY Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, Montessori Pierson Publishing Company, the Netherlands, Reprinted 2007 Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child, Montessori Pierson Publishing Company, the Netherlands, Reprinted 2007 Modern Montessori Institute, DMT 107 Mathematics Students’ Manual David Gettman, Basic Montessori, Saint Martin’s Press, 1987 Elizabeth Hainstock, Teaching Montessori in the Home, Random House Publishing Group, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Iron Crowned Chapter 12
There was a moment of stunned silence. â€Å"That's impossible,†said Kiyo at last. â€Å"Unless you're saying she should kill all those monarchs?†â€Å"No need,†the old man replied. â€Å"Even I know how it works,†I argued. â€Å"The only way to claim a land is if its previous monarch dies or grows too weak to hold it. Otherwise, they're bound together. The monarch and the land are one.†â€Å"Aren't you listening?†he asked. â€Å"The crown changes that. The crown breaks that bond. Doesn't matter how strong they are. No killing – unless you want to. The land is freed up, allowing you to seize it if you're strong and ambitious enough, which, of course, you have to be even to possess the crown.†Ambitious enough. His words reminded me of our fight, when I'd nearly killed Kiyo in my rage. I stared down at the crown in disgust. â€Å"I don't want it. I don't want that kind of power. That was never my intention.†The crown's keeper now looked as baffled as Kiyo and I had been moments ago. â€Å"Then why did you come for it?†â€Å"Eugenie,†said Kiyo uneasily. â€Å"I don't think you should leave it. Regardless of what it truly does †¦ well, the original plan still holds. You don't actually have to use it. Just having it may still be enough to scare Katrice into peace – especially if she knows its true power.†I lifted my eyes from the crown, staring off absentmindedly at the cave's scorched walls. â€Å"Of course she knows. And so does Dorian. He's known all along.†It was a sign of Kiyo's tact and self-control that he made no scathing remarks about Dorian. â€Å"You have to take it,†exclaimed the old man, glancing back and forth between our faces. He seemed shocked and even offended that I was seriously considering leaving it. â€Å"You passed the test. No one who has done that has ever refused the crown.†The sick feeling in my stomach grew. He knew. Dorian knew. â€Å"You don't have to use it,†reiterated Kiyo. â€Å"But Katrice won't know that.†â€Å"I was an idiot,†I murmured. â€Å"An idiot to think it was just a war prize. If I accept it †¦ what happens if someone else takes it? If it's stolen?†After experiencing so many attempts at rape, I was well aware of the extent of Otherworldly ambition. â€Å"The crown will only work for its current owner,†said the caretaker. â€Å"It will only stay with the worthy. If it's taken – or if you die – it will return here, and we will wait for the next challenger.†â€Å"Hold on,†said Kiyo. â€Å"You just wait here all the time? How old are you?†I didn't wait for a response. I felt dizzy on my feet and so, so tired, both mentally and physically. I wanted to get out of this place. â€Å"Let's go,†I said. â€Å"We'll take the crown.†The old man beamed. â€Å"Excellent. I look forward to hearing of your victories.†I scowled and moved for the exit. This was hardly the situation for warm and fuzzy good-byes, so Kiyo and I simply left without any more conversation, though I could feel the caretaker's gaze burning into my back. The trek out of the mountain was quiet as well and seemed to go much more quickly. The fire barriers were gone. When we finally emerged, the light and air of that barren landscape seemed like the sweetest, most refreshing thing ever. Volusian and Deanna were exactly where we left them. Deanna's expression lit up. Volusian's didn't ostensibly change, but I sensed definite dismay. â€Å"You did it!†exclaimed Deanna. â€Å"Now you can help me and find out – â€Å" â€Å"No,†I interrupted, heading straight to my horse. â€Å"Not now. We're not dealing with that yet.†Her pale eyes widened. â€Å"But you promised to – â€Å" â€Å"Not yet,†I growled. Something about my tone and look must have been pretty intimidating because she vanished without comment. I knew she'd be back, though. I glanced at Kiyo, who was already on his horse, face troubled. â€Å"Think those snakes are regular residents or just part of the test?†I asked. He glanced around, taking in the scattered holes in the ground. â€Å"I don't think we can assume they're gone.†I made sure my pack was secure, the crown inside it. â€Å"Then let's get out of here. We're not stopping until we're out of the unclaimed lands.†Kiyo's face was lined with worry. â€Å"Eugenie – â€Å" But I was already urging my horse down the road, back in the direction we'd come. Our initial ride had been brisk but still energy-conserving. Now, I held nothing back. I let the horse run as fast as she could, half-suspecting she wanted out of this cursed place as much as I did. The speed and rush of air was almost enough to distract me from what had just happened and what was to come. Almost. Kiyo easily kept up with my hard pace, and the speed made any conversation difficult. I lost track of time but had the sense of riding for hours as the sun moved across the sky. I fell into such a lull surrounded by the dreary landscape that crossing back into the Otherworld's claimed regions was like a splash of water in the face. We'd emerged into the Honeysuckle Land and were suddenly surrounded by heat and color. Kiyo slowed his horse down. â€Å"Eugenie, we have to stop.†When I didn't react, he yelled more harshly, â€Å"Eugenie!†It snapped me from my haze, and I slowed too, eventually bringing my horse to a halt. His trotted up to us. â€Å"Eugenie, it's almost night. We have to make camp here. We'll be safe now that we're out of that place.†â€Å"Safe? I'm a war leader. This place isn't on our side yet. They could have a lot of leverage if they found and captured me.†â€Å"That's just an excuse,†he said. â€Å"It won't happen, and you can't keep up this pace without rest. The horses certainly can't either.†I didn't know much about animals, but Kiyo did. These two didn't seem ostensibly exhausted, but they were breathing a bit more heavily than when we'd left. I petted the head of mine in apology. I didn't want to stop, but Kiyo was right. The lush and beautiful land provided any number of camping spots. The trick was finding a concealed one that kept us near the road. If we strayed too far, the Otherworld's nature could very well shift us away to another location. And, despite his confident words, I think Kiyo did worry a little bit about the Thorn Queen being discovered in this kingdom. At least we had Volusian to keep watch. We finally settled for a small glade that was almost impossible to see through the trees until you were right inside it. Not far away was a small lagoon edged in stones. I was filthy from the fight but didn't have the energy to bathe fully and settled for washing my hands and face. Nonetheless, back in our camp – which really was just a place to sleep since we needed no fire here – Kiyo insisted on changing my bandages again. â€Å"You tore more stitches in the lich fight,†he said with dismay. â€Å"We can keep the blood loss down, but you have to get this treated soon.†I nodded without hearing him, my mind still wrapped around what I'd learned. Once he'd pulled my shirt back down, I turned and faced him. â€Å"Dorian knew, Kiyo. Dorian knew what this crown could do. That's why he wanted it. I wouldn't be surprised †¦Ã¢â‚¬ It killed me to say the next words. â€Å"I wouldn't be surprised if he set it up from the beginning with Masthera.†I again expected mockery from Kiyo, but his dark eyes were serious and full of sympathy. â€Å"I wouldn't be surprised either. I'm sorry.†It was true what I'd said in the cave: I was such an idiot. I should have listened to my initial instincts, the ones that said a battle prize wasn't enough to end a war. A prize that could strip Katrice's kingdom from her? Yeah. That would end a war, true, but Dorian should have told me. He should have told me what the crown's real threat was. And then you wouldn't have done it, a voice in my head pointed out. I knew it was the truth. I wouldn't have risked my life – or Kiyo's – to come after some artifact that put me one step closer to being the conqueror everyone expected me to be. â€Å"Dorian knew,†I repeated. â€Å"Dorian let me risk my life for this.†Kiyo stayed silent for a few moments, staring off into the rapidly darkening trees around us. â€Å"You said he resisted at first, though. Until he realized I could go.†â€Å"Was that an act, though?†I rested my forehead in my hands, doubting everything I'd come to believe about Dorian. I'd so, so wanted to trust him. â€Å"Did he pretend to be hesitant, knowing I'd be suspicious if he was aggressive?†â€Å"For all his faults †¦ I don't know. He does care about you, Eugenie. I don't think he'd carelessly throw you into danger. He might have seriously waited until he knew you could go in with backup.†I sighed and lifted my head back up. â€Å"You're giving an awful lot of credit to someone you hate.†A small smile crossed Kiyo's lips. â€Å"I don't hate him, not exactly. I don't trust him. I don't like him. And †¦ well, I certainly carry a grudge for his taking you from me.†I narrowed my eyes, a spark of anger flaring up in me. â€Å"No one ‘took' me. I'm not something you guys can just pass around!†â€Å"Sorry, sorry,†he said hastily. â€Å"I didn't mean it like that. I just mean that after we split up, it's been hard seeing you with him. That's petty jealousy, I admit it. But I also hate that his grand, brash action won you over and drove the final stake in our relationship.†â€Å"His ‘grand, brash action?' Do you mean killing Leith? I'll never regret him doing that,†I said fiercely. Despite how dark it was growing out here, I could see Kiyo's eyes boring into me. â€Å"Do you mean that, Eugenie? Was your personal vengeance worth all the people who've died since then?†I looked away. â€Å"He deserved it. You don't understand.†â€Å"I understand perfectly well what he did. And if I could have? I would have done a lot more than run a sword through him. Really, that was almost merciful compared to what he deserved. But the fallout †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I know.†I sighed again. â€Å"I know what I've caused, all the upheaval in this world.†A sudden odd thought occurred to me. â€Å"Maiwenn †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Kiyo tensed, not following my jump in thoughts. â€Å"What about her?†â€Å"Dorian knew that too! She knows what the crown does; I'm certain of it. That's why he kept telling me not to let you talk to her!†I shot up, full of fury now. â€Å"Goddamnit! He played me. He's always played me! It doesn't matter if he loves me. It's his nature. He can't love without using it to his advantage. Goddamnit!†My cry rang out into the empty night as I paced irritably. In seconds, Kiyo was up too, gripping me by my arms. â€Å"Hey, hey. Calm down. He may have tricked you, but he can't make you do anything you don't want to with the crown. You're in control. No harm's done.†â€Å"No harm?†I exclaimed. â€Å"Kiyo, I almost killed you! Do you understand? Do you understand what I almost did? I lost control! How am I supposed to forgive myself for that?†He drew me into his arms. â€Å"I forgive you for that, and that's all you need to worry about. Don't beat yourself up with the guilt.†I clenched my fists. â€Å"The craziest part is that the fake-lich whatever guy thought what I did was a good thing. Me shoving my friends aside for power. That's what the crown represents. That's what I'll become.†â€Å"I won't let you,†said Kiyo fiercely. â€Å"It's in my blood,†I said weakly. â€Å"I realize that now.†â€Å"Maybe. I don't know. I used to think †¦ well, I used to think it was all just some easy decision you could make. ‘Do this, don't do this.' That was stupid of me. It's more than that, this conflict in you. And I didn't help – not in the way you needed. I will now – if you'll let me.†I peered up at him in confusion. â€Å"Why? After everything I've done?†â€Å"Because I – †Kiyo cut himself off. I could hardly see him now, but the feel of his hands was warm on my skin. â€Å"Because it doesn't matter. Because I screwed up. Because we never should have split up. I've been wanting to tell you something for a while. We should have – â€Å" I broke away and stalked off across the glade. I couldn't hear this. I couldn't hear some proclamation of love, not when my heart was still broken over Dorian's betrayal. I'd trusted him. I'd trusted him, despite all the evidence that he would go to great extremes for power. I'd thought love for me would be stronger than that ambition. I'd been wrong. Even if he loved me, his heart would always be split between me and his craving for power. It was his nature, just as my own nature was divided between human and gentry ways. â€Å"I need to sleep, Kiyo,†I said roughly. â€Å"I can't hear this right now.†â€Å"But Eugenie – â€Å" â€Å"Good night.†I turned my back to him – I knew he could see in the darkness – and curled up on the grass. It was hardly a comfortable bed, but compared to last night's discomfort, this felt like heaven. Kiyo said no more, and I eventually heard him settle down. Volusian had been put on watch, meaning neither Kiyo nor I had to stay awake. In my case, it didn't matter. Sleep wouldn't come no matter how much I willed it to. I stayed up most of the night, staring up at the clear sky and its glitter of stars. The Otherworld had the same constellations as the human world, which surely presented some sort of physics quandary, one I didn't have time to think much about right now. Dorian knew. That crown. That fucking crown. Part of me wanted to go over to my bag, grab the crown, and throw it off into night, never to be seen again. What had the old man said? It'd return to its home? No harm done. No harm except the loss of my potential to steal Katrice's land from her – hers and anyone else's who opposed me. Was that what Dorian had wanted? Would he have tried to convince me that it was the only way to win the war? And would I have believed it? Maybe. I'd been willing to risk a lot for peace by coming after the crown at all. Maybe that had just been the â€Å"gateway drug†in Dorian's eventual plan for conquest. In the end, it didn't matter what his plan was. What mattered was that he'd betrayed me. I'd opened myself to him, loved him. That was over now. It was that thought, that thought and the anger burning within me, that got me up and around early when dawn broke. Kiyo – who apparently had slept – instantly woke when he heard me stirring. â€Å"Let me guess,†he said. â€Å"You didn't sleep.†â€Å"Nope.†I took out some of the travel food from my bag, cringing when my fingers brushed against the crown. Kiyo stood up and stretched, then wandered off into the foliage. He returned several minutes later with some mangos in his arms. â€Å"Supplement your breakfast,†he said, tossing me one. He leaned against a tree and bit into one of his own. I nodded my thanks, but the fruit's sweetness was lost on me. Nothing had any taste. I was distantly aware of Kiyo's eyes on me but ignored them. â€Å"What are you thinking?†he asked at last. â€Å"How much I hate Dorian.†â€Å"What are you going to do?†This was something I'd thought about for a while, so I had a solid answer. â€Å"Go to him. Call him out. Pass him a note in class. Tell him it's over – everything. Us. Our alliance.†Kiyo's eyebrows rose. â€Å"You might not want to be so hasty on that last one.†â€Å"How can I be in a partnership with someone like that?†I exclaimed. â€Å"You can be in business with people you don't like. I wouldn't throw away his military support in the middle of this mess.†â€Å"I don't need his help,†I said obstinately. â€Å"Especially if Katrice does call a truce over the crown.†â€Å"And if she doesn't?†â€Å"I don't know.†I stood up and rubbed my sticky hands on my jeans. Kiyo was the last person I expected to be having this discussion with. â€Å"What are you getting at? Should I forgive him? Let it all go and jump back into bed?†â€Å"No. Absolutely not.†Kiyo walked over to me, almost mirroring our positions from last night when he'd been on the verge of telling me something romantic. Only, I'd since had more time to come to terms with my anger and could actually focus now on Kiyo, the concern in his eyes and the way his body always made mine feel. â€Å"But I don't think Dorian will leave the war, no matter what else happens between you. And you should take that help.†â€Å"I'm afraid †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Until those words came out of my mouth, I didn't realize I meant them. â€Å"I'm afraid when I see him, when I talk to him †¦ he'll do it again. He'll convince me of, I don't know. Whatever his plan is. He'll justify it and lure me back in.†Kiyo cupped my face between his hands. â€Å"You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You're strong. And I'll go with you, if you want.†I looked up into Kiyo's eyes, feeling lost in their depths and confused by what I saw in them. â€Å"I do want you to.†Leaning down, he pulled me close and kissed me almost before I realized what had happened. There was heat in his lips, heat and hunger and that raw, animal passion that so defined him. My body pressed against his, and I was startled at the arousal that kiss ignited within me, me who twenty-four hours ago had been sworn and sealed to Dorian. Now, the desire within me was all for Kiyo, a desire that was probably equal parts revenge against Dorian, a resurgence of my feelings for Kiyo, and the simple lust triggered by being with anyone I found so attractive. I pulled away from him, and it wasn't easy. That kiss had consumed me, taken over my reasoning. I had a feeling I was seconds away from ripping his clothes off and throwing myself at him. Some annoyingly rational part of me kept saying I shouldn't do that until I knew for sure if it'd be because I still cared about Kiyo or because I wanted to get back at Dorian. â€Å"No, don't. I can't,†I said, taking a few steps away. â€Å"I'm not †¦ I'm not ready†¦.†I knew he could tell that wasn't exactly true. He'd be able to smell the desire on me, the pheromones and other physical signs that said I wanted him. But my head and heart? No, I wasn't sure about that. â€Å"Eugenie †¦Ã¢â‚¬ His voice was husky, every ounce of him radiating that dark, primal sexuality that had always drawn me in. â€Å"I can't,†I repeated. â€Å"Please †¦ don't do that again†¦.†I hurried off blindly, into the forest, ignoring the branches and leaves whipping against me. I didn't have to go very far because something told me Kiyo wouldn't follow. He'd leave me alone for now. I sank to the ground, leaning my head back against the smooth bark of a tree I didn't recognize. My heart pounded in my chest, in turmoil from Kiyo's advances. I'd suspected he still cared, especially seeing as the breakup had been more my idea than his. He'd conceded its wisdom, true, but I'd always known he'd wished things could have been different. Hell, that made two of us. I exhaled and closed my eyes. What did I do with this? What did I do with Kiyo's feelings? What did I do with my own feelings? Because at the core of it all, my heart was still raging over Dorian. I'd meant what I said to Kiyo: I was indeed going to go back and tell Dorian we were over. I'd been disappointed in Kiyo – still was, a little – over his not taking direct action against Leith. Yet, as much as that had hurt me, Kiyo had been blunt and open about his reasons for it. That was better than someone telling you pretty lies. Pretty lies. Dorian was full of them – and not just about the crown. Suddenly, I found myself questioning why he'd even suggested Kiyo come along on this quest, rather than Jasmine. Maybe Dorian had thought this would be a convenient way to get rid of someone he'd always seen as a potential rival. I didn't know. The only thing I was certain of was that I was getting more and more worked up as I sat there. A faint splash startled me out of my emotional maelstrom, and I opened my eyes. No cry of alarm had come from Volusian back at camp, and a moment later, I realized what was going on. Rising, I headed over toward the pool in the glade's heart. Sure enough, I found Kiyo swimming laps back and forth. The lagoon was crystal clear, sparkling in the morning sunlight, and it sang to my magical senses. I wondered if he was there to clean off yesterday's battle or to work out his frustration over me. Judging from the lines on his face – maybe both. I watched him for a minute, knowing opportunities to catch him unaware were rare. The water and his mood had distracted him; he normally would have smelled and heard an observer. After a little while longer, I made my decision. I began taking off my clothes. Kiyo turned and noticed me just as I slipped into the water, easing myself down the stone edge. â€Å"Eugenie †¦ what are you doing? You're soaking your bandages.†I swam over to him, on the pool's far side. â€Å"I'm here naked with you, and that's your biggest concern?†He eyed me carefully. â€Å"Well, that was our last batch of them.†I put my hands on his chest. â€Å"We'll be home soon.†When I brought my lips to his, joining us in a deep kiss, I felt the same response as earlier. He answered me hungrily, arms wrapping around my waist as we pressed together. Now, however, it was Kiyo who broke us apart – despite the arousal in his eyes. I had a feeling there was a human versus animal war going on within him. â€Å"Wait,†he said. â€Å"Earlier †¦ you told me you couldn't †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I changed my mind. I can do this,†I said. â€Å"Does it need to be more than that right now?†I was still going to tell Dorian I was done with him, but I didn't need to for this. I had mentally broken up with him. I was free to do whatever I wanted. I moved toward Kiyo again, slowly walking us toward the water's edge. Our top halves emerged, the morning air slightly chill against my wet skin. â€Å"I don't trust why you're doing this,†said Kiyo. But when I drew him closer, he didn't pull back. â€Å"I think you're getting back at Dorian.†I kissed him hard, cutting off whatever logical arguments he might attempt. â€Å"Maybe I am,†I said at last. He was gasping, a little surprised at the intensity. I felt empowered, filled with lust for Kiyo and – yes – anger at Dorian. â€Å"But you're the one I'm doing it with. Doesn't that mean something?†There was a pause as Kiyo's dark, smoky eyes studied me intensely. â€Å"Yes.†With one swift motion, he turned me around, pushing his body against mine. â€Å"It does. This is how it should have been anyway.†I caught my breath as he kissed my neck, teeth grazing my skin. â€Å"And I'll take back what's mine.†My body burned, both at his touch and the dangerous tone in his voice. Then, the full meaning of his words hit me. I started to turn around but his hands were on me, pinning me against the ledge surrounding the water. â€Å"Hey, I'm not yours,†I growled. â€Å"I thought I made that clear.†â€Å"You're right,†he said. â€Å"But you're not his either. Not anymore. You never should have been. We never should have been apart. And if you want this – if you want to do this – you have to tell me you feel something for me. I can't believe this is just simple revenge sex.†â€Å"Kiyo – â€Å" The hands that held me slid forward to my breasts, the roughness of his touch sending shockwaves through my body. â€Å"Tell me,†he breathed against my ear, his hands sliding along my stomach and down between my thighs. â€Å"Tell me you still feel something for me.†His body closed the miniscule space left between us, pushing me right to stone. I felt him hard and ready. â€Å"I †¦Ã¢â‚¬ I closed my eyes, lost in the way his hands touched me and stoked the sexual tension that had been building between us for days. What did I feel? For a moment, I was conflicted. Maybe this wasn't right. Maybe I did need to end things formally with Dorian before letting my emotions run away with me. â€Å"I †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yes?†He bent me over, hands gripping my waist, and suddenly, he was sliding into me, a low groan escaping his lips as he filled me up. I gave a small cry at the unexpected act, one that turned into a moan of pleasure as he began to move in and out of me. â€Å"Tell me there's still something, anything †¦Ã¢â‚¬ he grunted. â€Å"If not, I'll stop and let this go. Just say it.†â€Å"I †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Again, I couldn't summon the words. This time, it was simply because I was too lost in how he felt. I'd forgotten what it was like with him, the way he'd always loved to take me from behind, driven by the animal instinct within him. There was more than that to him, though. Images flashed through me, the way he'd fought by my side, the compassion when he'd seen how hurt I was over Dorian's deception. â€Å"Tell me,†he said again, a savage and hungry note in his voice. â€Å"Tell me you want me; tell me there's still something between us. That you don't want me to stop.†He felt so good, so strong and hard. â€Å"No †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"No what?†â€Å"No †¦ don't stop †¦ there is †¦ of course there's still something†¦.†I meant it. And with that, the animal within him was unleashed. I screamed as he gave me the full force of his body, my arms pushing hard to keep me from being shoved against the ledge. The sound of our bodies slapping together echoed around us as he thrust tirelessly, taking me over and over as he reclaimed my body. â€Å"I've missed you, Eug,†he managed to say. â€Å"Missed having sex with you. Missed making love to you. But especially †¦ especially missed fucking you.†His words were punctuated with a particularly sharp thrust, one that took me hard and deep as he bent me over more. I screamed again, but it was out of ecstasy, not pain. Kiyo had always been able to make me come this way, and now was no exception. I felt the nerves of my body explode, every part of me shaking. Still he kept moving in me with that primal need, pushing me into sensory overload. He'd given up on words, simply making small grunts as our bodies connected. At last his body reached its breaking point, giving me the hardest thrusts he was capable of as his climax hit. He held me tight, my body there to fulfill his need as he came in me, groaning and spasming until he'd finally given me all he had. He pulled out, and I turned around, my own breath shallow and rapid. â€Å"That †¦ maybe we shouldn't have done that †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Kiyo put an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. His lips grazed mine. â€Å"You sound like a guy the morning after. You're the one who attacked me, remember?†â€Å"True,†I admitted. With my lust sated, I was feeling slightly more coherent. But only barely. His naked body was still right against mine, and that was distracting. â€Å"Give me a few more minutes,†he murmured. â€Å"A few more minutes and we can do it again †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"We're probably just creating more problems.†He kissed my neck. â€Å"What's one more problem among all the others we have? One more time, Eugenie. I've missed you so much. Let's do this just one more time.†I could feel that he was indeed almost ready again. I lifted one of my legs up, half-wrapping it around him as my body decided it was ready again too. â€Å"And then what?†â€Å"Then?†Kiyo's mouth moved toward mine. â€Å"Then we go see Dorian.â€
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Offer Things in English as a Second Language
How to Offer Things in English as a Second Language Offering things in English is essential whenever you want to be polite, have guests at your home, or even organize a work event. The phrases below cover both how to offer various items to your guests, as well as how to accept offers graciously. Learn to use these phrases so that you can offer and accept things graciously and in a socially appropriate manner. Offering Phrases Its common to use phrases such as would you like and modal forms such as Can I or May I to offer something. Here are some of the most important phrases used to offer something: Can I get you some...?Would you like some...?May I offer you some...?Would you like me to get you some...? Some mini-dialogues containing these asking phrases might be: Bob: Can I get you something to drink?Mary: Yes, that would be nice. Thank you.Jack: May I offer you some tea?Doug: Thank you.Alex: Would you like some lemonade?Susan: That would be nice. Thanks for offering. Always use some words when offering someone something. Informal Use these phrases when offering something in an everyday situation: How about some...?What about some...?What do you say about some...?Are you up for some...? Mini-dialogues containing offering phrases in informal situations would be: Dan: What about something to drink?Helga: Sure, do you have any scotch?Judy: Are you up for some dinner?Zina: Hey, thanks. Whats on the menu?Keith: What do you say about going bowling?Bob: That sounds like a good idea! Accepting Offers Accepting offers is just as important, or even more important, than offering things. Make sure to thank your host. If you dont want to accept an offer, politely refuse. Offering an excuse is also a good idea in order not to offend your host. The following phrases are commonly used when accepting offers: Thank you.Id love to.Id love some.That would be nice.Thank you. Id like... Some examples of accepting phrases include: Frank: May I get you something to drink?Kevin: Thank you. Id like a cup of coffee.Linda: Would you like me to get you some food?Evan: That would be nice. Thank you.Homer: May I offer you something to drink?Bart: Thank you. Id like a soda. Politely Refusing Offers Sometimes its necessary to politely refuse an offer even if its a kind one. In such cases, use these phrases to politely refuse offers. Provide a reason why you want to refuse an offer rather than just saying no. Thank you, but...Thats very kind. Unfortunately, I...Id like to, but... Examples of using polite refusals in dialogue include: Jane: Would you like some cookies?David: Thank you, but Im on a diet.Allison: How about a cup of tea?Pat: Id like to have a cup of tea. Unfortunately, Im late for a meeting. Can I take a rain check?Avram: How about some wine?Tom: No thank you. Im watching my weight.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hydrocephalus essays
Hydrocephalus essays Hydrocephalus is a build-up of cerebrospinal fluid, known as CSF, in the brain. CSF is produced in the choroids plexus and it is usually transported through the ventricles in the brain. It is also found outside the brain and in the spinal canal. Hydrocephalus occurs when the CSF is blocked or when there is excess fluid in the brain. This condition causes pressure on the brain that leads to the swelling of the ventricles. The ventricles are then pushed against the skull causing tissues to either be damaged or destroyed. Hydrocephalus can be congenital, caused by a birth defect, or acquired, caused by a trauma to the brain. In most instances, heredity is not a factor for acquiring hydrocephalus. Although it mostly occurs in young children, hydrocephalus may be present in adults and the elderly. The signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus vary depending upon the age of the person, when the problem developed, the cause of the condition, and the damage that occurred to the tissues due to the swelling of the ventricles. In infants, the primary sign of hydrocephalus is enlargement of the head. Other symptoms in infants include lethargy (sleepiness), vomiting, decreased mental functions, et cetera. Some symptoms in older children and adults are headaches, vomiting, vision changes, decreased coordination, or mental aberrations such as confusion. There is no known cure for hydrocephalus, but the condition can be treated and kept under control. Treatment of hydrocephalus involves the surgical insertion of a shunt, a flexible tube with a one-way valve. To allow the excess CSF to drain back into the bloodstream and to decrease pressure on the brain, the shunt is inserted into the ventricular system of the brain. There are some problems that can occur with shunting such as obstruction of the shunt or an infection. Complications occur with 25% to 60% of all shunt procedures. Antibiotics are used at the sign of an i ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Planet Mercury as a School Science Fair Project
The Planet Mercury as a School Science Fair Project Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and this makes it unique in our solar system. There are many interesting facts about this planet, and it is the perfect topic for a school science fair project. Middle and high school students can take a science fair project about Mercury in a number of directions. The display can be interactive and include a model of the planet, as well as amazing space photographs. Why Is Mercury Special? A science fair is meant to be a students exploration of a single science topic, and Mercury is often overlooked when it comes to the planets. In fact, it is a planet that we know very little about. In 2008, NASAs Messenger spacecraft sent back some of the first images of the planet since the 1970s, and it just crashed on the planet in 2015. The pictures and data scientists collected from this mission makes now a better time than ever to study Mercury at a science fair. Mercury and the Sun A day on Mercury lasts longer than the time it takes the planet to revolve once around the Sun. If you were standing near Mercurys equator: the Sun would appear to rise, then briefly set again, before resuming its path across the sky. During this time, the size of the Sun in the sky would seem to grow and shrink as well. The same pattern would repeat as the sun set - it would dip below the horizon, briefly rise again, then return below the horizon. Mercury Science Fair Project Ideas What is Mercurys place in the solar system? Build a scale model of our solar system to show where Mercury is and how big it is in comparison to other planets.What are the features of Mercury? Could the planet sustain some kind of life? Why or why not?What is Mercury made of? Explain the core and the atmosphere of the planet and relate those elements to things we find on Earth.How does Mercury orbit the sun? Explain the forces at work when the planet orbits the sun. What keeps it in place? Is it moving further away?What would a day look like if you were standing on Mercury? Design an interactive display or video that shows people how the light would change.What did NASAs Messenger mission to Mercury find? In 2011, the Messenger spacecraft reached Mercury and gave us a new look at the planet. Explore the findings or the instruments used to send them back to Earth.Why does Mercury look like our moon? Examine the craters of Mercury, including the one named for John Lennon and the one mad e when Messenger crashed there in 2015.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Article Summary Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Summary - Article Example If clinicians know more about these aspects of emotional intelligence of their AN patients, they can help the latter improve their emotional functioning skills as part of their core treatment approaches. Clinicians would then be more sensitive to identifying emotional functioning skills deficits and help their patients with eating disorders manage their emotions more effectively. 3. How the author’s literature review supports the authors’ choice of hypotheses The author’s literature review showed support to the authors’ choice of hypotheses, by describing studies that showed that people with eating disorders tend to have emotion recognition deficits. For instance, Harrison et al. (2009 cited in p.349) illustrated the study by Zonnevijlle-Bender and colleagues, where they used three separate studies and discovered deficits in emotion recognition in people with an ED. Furthermore, Harrison et al. (2009) used literature on bingeing and restriction to explore the difficulties of people with eating disorders in managing their emotions. ... Second, there would be a relationship between emotion recognition and emotion regulation (Harrison et al., 2009, p.350). 5. Independent/predictor and dependent/criterion variables The independent variable is the ailment of AD. The dependent variables are emotion regulation and emotion recognition. 6. Operational definitions of the variables Anorexia Nervosa (AD) is diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV. The authors no longer defined AD itself, aside from connecting it with the dependent variables of emotional recognition and emotional regulation. The authors did mention, however, that â€Å"disordered eating is used to regulate affect†and that according to Mayer, Waller and Walters (1998) â€Å"eating pathology†aims to â€Å"block emotions†and ED behaviors commonly consist of â€Å"bingeing, vomiting and restriction may be used in order to regulate and manage painful emotional states experienced by the individual†(Corstorphine, 2006 cited in Harrison et al., 2009, p.350). Emotion recognition pertains to the ability to accurately perceive emotions in â€Å"faces, music and designs†(Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey, 1999 cited in Harrison et al., 2009, p.349). Emotion regulation refers to the ability to â€Å"manage emotions in the self and others†(Harrison et al., 2009, p.350). Emotion recognition was measured using Emotion Recognition: The RME Task (revised) (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001). Emotion regulation was measured using The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Gratz & Roemer, 2004). 7. The research subjects The research subjects consisted of twenty female participants with AN and twenty female healthy control (HC) participants. Participants with AN were came from the South London and Maudsley National
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business Plan Reflective report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Plan Reflective report - Essay Example People now seek to consume food as they shop down the town streets. We had a brain-storming session where we invited some friends over who are not from this industry. We wanted different perspectives and wanted to challenge our own assumptions. People sought something different from the standard menus of Mcdonald’s and Burger King. At the same time people also wanted the freedom to choose their salads and fillings. This immediately led us to the concept of Subway and then we were overwhelmed. We decided to combine the concept of Subway with the road-side concept but we would not restrict ourselves to sandwiches. We decided to include several snack-based food items. We believe this would create a point of differentiation, which according to Porter can provide competitive advantage. This prompted us to fill the gap and set up a fast food joint in Kingston, which has very few such outlets. We then started evaluating where we have the necessary skills and expertise. We found that all four members of our team for the proposed venture have sufficient experience in the fast food industry and have served in various capacities with renowned corporations. The formation of the team itself can affect subsequent performance (Owens, Mannix & Neale, 1998) and hence we made sure we were a team that was comfortable to work with. To ensure high level of effectiveness, we ensured that each member contributed to necessary technical skills, knowledge, expertise and ability. This was because we recognized that each individual would be able to contribute their knowledge or expertise to solve a jointly owned problem which would be difficult for an individual to solve on his own (McGreevy, 2006). We had defined individual roles, and rules of interaction as well as an agreed system of decision making, as this would help enhance learning for the team members as well as others in the organization (Macneil, 2000). While each member of our team contributed diverse skills and knowledg e, we also ensured that we shared the same values, beliefs and attitudes which could facilitate coordination and communication. However, we soon realized that setting up a business is far different from designing and thinking of a business plan. We first tried to think whether we really needed a business plan. We decided to prepare a business plan as this would help us evaluate the business opportunity (Chwolka & Raith, 2012). Besides, we needed external funding and investors need to see a business plan before they decide to invest (Mason & Stark, 2004). We knew we had the resources such as technical know-how and experience but we realized that putting our thoughts on paper would help us understand whether we can achieve what we expect to. Ideas were fragmented since none of us had experience as entrepreneurs before this and we needed to assimilate and evaluate our thoughts. A business plan was just the right tool to organize out thoughts on paper. A business plan can be informal or a formalized plan, and is essential for both internal and external purposes. It defines how the venture would operate in the current business environment but we also needed to evaluate performance after five years because we planned to expand in about five years, when more funding would be needed. Business plan is a strategic planning document that serves to guide the business and also act as a monitoring device as the business progresses (Richbell, Watts & Wardle, 2006). Presenting the plan has helped us
Criminal Law and Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Criminal Law and Criminology - Essay Example As may be inferred from the above stated, the subjectivism/objectivism debate effectively mirrors the existent tension between the principles of deed and equal culpability. The objectivist camp believes that criminal liability should be limited to what the person actually did, while the subjectivist camp upholds the expansion of criminal liability towards the embrace of the person's state of mind. Accordingly, the objectivist camp upholds the principle of deeds and the subjectivist camp that of equal culpability.3 The complex nature of prevailing criminal law lies it that it is neither one nor the other but seeks the embrace of both positions. This lends to several questions, all of which combine to underscore the controversies inherent in the law of criminal liability. The first of these questions pertains to the concept of mens rea. ... As per the objectivist and the subjectivist divide, there are two answers to this. The first define intention as implying that "the agent would necessarily commit an offence in carrying it out."6 The second response states that "intention should only be required for the conduct and the result elements, but not for the circumstance elements, of criminal attempts."7 (Husak, 1997). Divergent responses, reflective of the objectivism/subjectivism divide, only compound the complexities inherent in the determination of criminal liability within the context of the law of attempts. Divergent interpretations of the concept of attempt, as illustrated in the preceding paragraph, are problematic when considering the import of attempt within the context of English criminal law. As Lord Goddard maintained in Whybrow [1951]8 "intent [is] the principle ingredient of the crime." Indeed, the Criminal Attempts Act of 1981 has embodied this principle.9 As stated in the Criminal Attempts Act of 1981, "If, with intent to commit an offence to which this section applies, a person does an act which is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the offence, he is guilty of attempting to commit the offence.'10 The implication here is clear. If a person intends to rob a house but fails, he/she will be held liable for intended robbery and if he/she planned to enter a house and kill its occupants, but fails, he/she will be held guilty of attempted murder. If, on the other hand, a person enters a nursing home with the intention to rob, while knowing full well that if seen by a ny of the residents, the resultant alarm and shock could incite a heart attack culminating in death, he/she will only be held guilty of attempted robbery despite his/her knowledge of
Shop lifting in the store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Shop lifting in the store - Essay Example It may be again emphasized that problem formulation is not possible unless there is good communication between the decision makers and the research team. At this point to the decision makers, whether research results could help in solving the problem. It would also help the researcher in understanding the nature of the decision that a manager plans to make and the type of research information which would contribute to improving his judgment. The research team also tries to understand environment influencing the problems of the research sponsoring agency. The research team can play a better role if they are able to feel and observe the environment, where decision maker would eventually apply the information and the findings of the study.Formulation of the research plan is possible only when the purpose of the research is clear. In research studies, unless the purpose of the study or project has been clearly explained by the sponsoring agency.The given research was short on a lot of gr ounds. It did not have a proper problem statement. The problem statement failed to present the problem effectively. The objectives statement was loosely put forth. This research paper throws light on the importance of putting objectives effectively and completely. The research also did not follow data collection stage appropriately and immaculately. There was no data compilation and data presented was loosely put forward. The raw data was given. The questions in the questionnaire couldn’t relate to the objective of the research too.... Social scientists from different fields have defined have defined research design from their point of view.. Methodology is given greater importance in the overall planning of the research work and has defined research design as the creative part of the research methodology. Prior to explaining research methodology and the research process, some activities of the research process would be elaborated over.Research process includes a number of stages. The process initiates from the need to conduct research in an area of interest for both the sponsors and the researchers to obtaining information for solving a managerial or a social problem or for making decisions to accomplish set goals or objectives. The step of problem formulation requires deep understanding of the researcher as well as the sponsor, manager or user of the research comprehending the problem. A study of the related information is essential as also the observation or analysis of the situation causing problem prior to ini tiating the research. The urge and curiosity to know stimulates the researcher to convert the managerial problem into a research problem leading further into the subsequent activities incorporated in the research design. After the formulation of the problem, the process of the research methodology for data generation and its measurement techniques are initiated. Any step of the research sequence has to be re adjusted to suit the requirements of the research study. Research process takes over from the process from the stage of problem formulation. There are yet others who would explain research process from the step of initiation of the research activity till completion of the research in the form of its findings
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Christianity - Essay Example As Christians, we have the conceptual image of how Christ’s sufferings were like and I believe that before the movie The Passion of the Christ we did not fully conceive or imagine how truly terrible His pain and suffering was. Acknowledging this fact does not damage the image of Jesus Christ at all, it only makes it more powerful and we come to appreciate more and to understand more the ampleness of His sacrifice. At the same time, some argue that the movie is not entirely biblically accurate and that this could damage to the real version of the way we are supposed to perceive Christ’s crucifixion. In my opinion, the movie is generally biblically accurate, presenting the main events starting with the capture, trial and continuing with the punishments and the crucifixion of Christ. After all, the movie reflects the director’s idea over Christ’s crucifixion and does not pretend to be a general truth.
Midterm Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Midterm - Assignment Example The books were, in other words, tampered with, making it difficult to really know what the original books said. However one thing is for sure; Christianity rose during a very chaotic era, a period when the world of Jewish was caught between the heel of an immoral and brutal Roman culture, as well as plagued by groups and movements which not only split it further, but also did so under the pretence of saving Jews. Saint Peter was declared the rock upon which Christ would build His church. He surfed martyrdom under the reign of Nero and crucified, head downwards in 64 AD, claiming he was not valuable to die the same way as Christ did. Peter is traditionally is considered as the 1st bishop of Rome. Saint Paul of Tarsus on the other hand is considered a noteworthy Christianity founder. After his miraculous conversion on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, Paul started travelling as well as preaching about Christ in the synagogues in Damascus. Paul was a crucial interpreter of the teachings of Christ and most Christians regard him as the most significant disciple of Christ; actually next to Jesus himself. Constantine made an official declaration of freedom of religion and legalized Christianity as well. Theodosius accepted baptism and got healed, and was more susceptibly likely to influence the church and in 391 AD he closed officially all the temples in his empire; forbidding pagan cults and practices. Christianity saved civilization after the collapse of Roman Empire. Roman Empire was split in eastern and western empires disorder and civil war was widespread, there was rebelling from German Barbarians. Constantine, due to this, decided to unite the Roman Empire via a religion that would be politically correct for everybody. Thus Christianity was restated on 25th of December. Julius Caesar was tasked with public entertainment in Roman Empire; a very important
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Christianity - Essay Example As Christians, we have the conceptual image of how Christ’s sufferings were like and I believe that before the movie The Passion of the Christ we did not fully conceive or imagine how truly terrible His pain and suffering was. Acknowledging this fact does not damage the image of Jesus Christ at all, it only makes it more powerful and we come to appreciate more and to understand more the ampleness of His sacrifice. At the same time, some argue that the movie is not entirely biblically accurate and that this could damage to the real version of the way we are supposed to perceive Christ’s crucifixion. In my opinion, the movie is generally biblically accurate, presenting the main events starting with the capture, trial and continuing with the punishments and the crucifixion of Christ. After all, the movie reflects the director’s idea over Christ’s crucifixion and does not pretend to be a general truth.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Society in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Society in China - Research Paper Example The Cultural Revolution, as per the narration of the Jan Wong, was launched in May 1966. Mao, the then chairperson of the Communist Party of China, alleged that the elements of the bourgeois were infiltrating the government and society at large, aiming to restore capitalism. Mao Zedong insisted that the revisionists, ought to be removed through violent class struggle. The youth of China, responded to Mao's appeal by forming Red Guard groups around the country-Party leadership itself. In cultures that are non-industrialized, two major forces define gender disparity in the distribution of work and these are the men’s greater power and physic and women’s childbearing and nurturing responsibilities. As long as maternal care does not disrupt a mother’s activities and if women have a way of enhancing their bodily strength, they can and do partake in activities that are in the contrary male dominated. Presence of such means varies over culture and environment. ² Therefore, men and women are not downright different people. Women may have more of a particular characteristic; there may be traits that men have more of, but it should not be a case that men and women are essentially and radically different on these psychological characteristics This resulted to widespread factional struggles in all lifestyles. In the top leadership, it led to a mass purge of senior officials who were accused of taking a "capitalist road", most notably Liu shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. During the same period, Mao's personality cult grew to immense proportions. During China’s long revolutionary years, the state both promoted and negated new roles for women. The most severe reaction against female activism was the Guomindang’s counter-revolution, called the White Terror, when female activists were accused of being instigators of societal chaos. During Chiang Kai-shek’s relentless hunt for Communists, thousands of women were murdered and raped, including those who had simply bobbed their hair. The Communists, for their part, turned away from what they saw as bourgeois feminist reforms to attack the socioeconomic conditions they perceived as the source of all female oppressions. The idea was that once gender difference was erased, women would be freed to help spearhead the â€Å"new society.†Mao Zedong coined the phrase â€Å"Women Hold up Half the Sky,†and set in motion a campaign to get women out of the home and into the work force. Selections from oral histories collected during the period illustrate his attempts to mobilize the lowest in society, the female peasant, so she could confront â€Å"feudalâ₠¬ fathers, husbands, or property owners. Millions of people were persecuted in the violent factional struggles that ensued across the country, and suffered a wide range of abuses including public humiliation, arbitrary 2345imprisonment, torture, sustained harassment, and seizure of property. A large segment of the population was forcibly displaced, most notably the transfer of urban youth to rural regions during the Down to the Countryside Movement, Rather, the DCM. Historical relics and artifacts were destroyed. Cultural and religious sites were ransacked. Female-specific concerns continued facing disregard, during the Cultural Revolution when equality between sexes faced assumption and class war took
Monday, October 14, 2019
Zoo SWOT Analysis and Marketing Mix
Zoo SWOT Analysis and Marketing Mix Jump to: SWOT Analysis | Marketing Mix Analysis Executive Summary: The new event of process scheduled in the recent era is the launch of e-Business. This process is basically an additional method for the growth of productivity and an increase in the zone of profit for the business that is involved. The key structure of the e-Business is the active utility of the computers and online transactions. This also involves various strategies to complete the process and handle the structure with core techniques for the best result. The acquired process of marketing and management in the recent years have grown and taken its place with latest techniques and new acronyms in the global touch. E-Business is the new integration of the activities of the organisation or the company and their products along with their services and procedures in the internet. A old traditional business linked with the new growth of enables e-Business strategy integrating the activities of the organisation or the company featuring sales, accounting, marketing and many more operations that are concerned with the organization and their process involved takes us to the pride of achieving the future growth and their expansion. Outline Segment: This assignment includes the necessary of identifying the principles of marketing and a complete analysis of the structure of e-business in to the chosen illustration. The time to time market explains the product launch and their association with the market for the release. It redirects the right time for the consideration of launch of the project or practice in accordance with the implementation changes that has to take place within the organisation as a matter of fact. Branding: The process of branding shall be concerned as the part of sources provided in the internet and other resources about the brand and by the tasks of business of participation. The web page normally supplies the relevant scope of information about the brand and the organisation with its benefits and service provided on the real. A website establishes the fact of the company or the organization and creates awareness about the offers and availability of the schemes provided by the company. It also brings the latest key on notice to the immediate reach of the customers and creates a satisfaction among the customers. The process of branding not only has an impact on the customers but also enriches the source of customers with a build of trust and raises itself with a value of accreditation in the market of competition. The brand becomes a part of the quality and promise of the customers and the partners along with the employees as a part of flexibility, trust and growth. Singapore Zoo: The Singapore Zoo, Located at 80 Mandai Lake Road, is also known as Mandai Zoo or Singapore Zoological Garden. Popular for its Night Safari attraction, the Zoo has a reaped a long list of awards, both local and international. This has to be the one of the really beautiful zoos, of which there are all too few. It is brilliant laid out, so that the ceclosure fences are almost totally hidden. The expanses of the water of the seletar reservoir are a magnificent additional feature of the setting. The animals are beautifully maintained in good health, in spite of the climatic conditions. All in all, the Zoo shall receive a warn congratulation for the heads that are responsible for them, and declaring it for us was a great experience to see it. The gem of an idea to have a zoo was conceived by Dr. Ong Swee Law. Opened on 27 June 1973, the Singapore Zoological gardens caters to recreational, educational and social needs of Singaporeans and tourist to the republic. The Open Zoo which reflects the absence of physical barriers in enclosure design. Instead cascading waters, lush vegetation and moats cleverly mask the hidden barriers to enhance the illusion of freedom and natural jungle-like atmosphere for the animals. The Zoo began with the humble collection of 270 animals of about 72 species. To date, a total of over 2000 animals of 240 species are displayed in some 70 exhibits. One of the more appealing attractions at the zoo is the animal show. The animal shows Primate Reptile show s and Elephant and Sea-lion shows. Due to popularity and surge in crowds, an Amphitheatre was built in 1985 to centralize these shows and to seat visitors comfortably. The amphitheatre which has a long pool with glass panels for aquatic acts can seat 1,500 and can accommodate up to 2,000 spectators. The Animal Shows are specially designed to incorporate the natural behaviours of the animals to educate visitors in an entertaining presentation. The conservation messages are disseminated to the audience during the shows to heighten their awareness of the environment. In 1987, the Zoo introduced the Special loan exhibit, where rare animals on loan from other Zoos are displayed for a short period. The animals which have been displayed at the special Loan Exhibit include the golden monkeys, white tigers and giant pandas. This novel idea gives visitor s an opportunity to view rare animals which cannot be exhibited permanently at the zoo. The enclosure was renamed Singaporean Press Holdings (SPH) enclosure following its adoption by the SPH group in 1990. Another major breakthrough for the Zoo was the introduction of underwater viewing exhibits. The first was in 1988 the underwater viewing polar bear exhibit enable visitors to rub noses with the Zoos polar bear. Since 1987, the Zoo pas sed the million marks in visitor attendance. The string of awards bagged by the Singapore Zoo attests to splendid inhabitants and services: 2002 Asean Tourism Association (ASEANTA) Awards for Excellence, Best New attraction in ASEAN (Singapore Zoo for Hamadryas Baboons The great rift valley of Ethiopia). 2001: STB (Singapore Tourism Board) Tourism Awards: Leisure Attraction of the Year 2001 (Singapore Zoo). 2001 The Singapore Totalisator Board Excellence Singapore Award: Internationally acclaimed open zoo design and excellent in-situ conservation achievement. 2000: Where Singapore magazines Concierge Choice Awards: Best Place to Take the Kids. 1999: IMA (Incentive Meeting Asia) Awards: Best Theme Attraction. Important Campaigns in the process of integration of the organisation in e-Business are as follows; A new architecture of strategy and launch of business automation by the process of e-Business. An enhanced view and recommendation of the developed solution in the web and front-end legacy applications. A new format of the developed portals of the organization or the company with the update of the latest information. New value chain integrated through the web based application for the company or the organization. SWOT analysis: The SWOT analysis is an understanding of the total result of the current position of the business. It defines the Strength, weakness, opportunities and the threats of the organization matching the external opportunities with the internal strengths. The company or the organization involving for the SWOT analysis has to order the strategies and strengths to hold in control the weaknesses and eliminate the threats in any from the external sources. (S)trengths: They are open 365 days all around the year and it is considered as a most entertained tourist attraction. They open at 8:30 am in the morning and close at 6:00 pm in the evening creating an enthusiastic environment for all ages from 6 to 90 daily all around the year. The last ticket sale everyday is available at 5:30 pm enabling the visitors to enter at the event of closing for short time enjoyments too. The cost of the entry is also reasonable for the attractions available in the theme forest, the Singapore Zoo. Rental of the stroller is available enabling a hassle free travel until the Zoo and the charges are also reasonable as $9 only. Complimentary admission for DDR(Disability Development Registry) card holders and entitlement of beneficiary programmes chosen by the Voluntary Welfare associations. Protection and conservation comes with education. The visit enhances us to understand the necessary of conservation and protection raising awareness. Organising events such as wedding and parties for own reason with reasonable cost guaranteeing the success of the occasion conducted. Sponsorship and adoption also remains as a part of the team along with small donation initiating the success of protection and conservation of wildlife. The location suits the entry itself with a night safari and orchid gardens roaring itself with pride for visiting. Shows are unique and visiting Australian outback, cat country, critters Longhouse, Fragile forest, Elephants of Asia, Hamadryas Baboons, Orang Utan, Polar Bear, Proboscis Monkeys, Primate Kingdom, Rainforest Kidzworld, Reptile Kingdom, Wild Africa, White tiger are the main attractions. (W)eaknesses: Weather: The weather circumstance may be the stop point, as prediction is never accurately right hence the market prediction refers accordingly. Cost: This cost may sound reasonable when considering the factors of the total value and convenience referred in the place. Place: The location depends convenient on consideration upon the general factors but the unique thoughts upon the each visitor vary. Shows: Visitors though they are happy with the shows and preferences that are given or organised by the organisation but they prefer to have more shows. (O)pportunities: The Singapore Zoo is said to be an organised theme with shows, events and attractions. They tend to have increased in their growth along with the years. Now they have become a part of the wildlife protection and conservation creating awareness in the social media. There are quite a lot of opportunities and competition that exist in the field in and around the world. (T)hreats: There are no huge threats when concerned with the whole of the organisation whereas some exist such as the competition between the other themes around the area. There exist another night safari and orchid gardens for visiting. The location Singapore itself refers itself for a calm and roaring entertaining area. The visitor can become a sponsor or a member, he can involve himself as a part of the team enriching the lives of animals the wonder and an escape for the reality in admiration. They are the sources of a living entertainment and they have to be preserved. Marketing Mix: The most important elements of marketing are defined as the 4 Ps. They are Product, promotion, price and place. An organization may change the elements of marketing according to their requirements and tendencies. The target for their own caste in the market is set with official designation with the alteration of the principles of marketing mix if required and are taken in to consideration for the fact of earning their benefits in the resource implemented. The main component to be considered is the addressing of the competitive market and the implementation and the process of support by the operations merged to prove the reach of the target through the marketing mix principles. Taking the marketing mix in this instance for this organisation comprises of the products, place, promotion and distribution. The products offered are the actual offering that is present in the location and the price is the value that remains exchanged for the offering present in the place. The promotion includes the targeting of the audience with the mix of promotions for the attraction of visitors. Distribution covers the place where the product is being offered and located for the targeting of the audience. Place: The location is been chosen as the best suited place for the construction of the Zoo and its the perfect place for the process chosen by the organization. The organization built has various ideas such as scheduling events and wedding ideas indoor or outdoor events. They also categorize themselves in organising the events and catering and all sources for the booked events. The location sets scenic view and way for the other places of attraction such as the night safari and orchid gardens that cover the tourist spots. The major point discovers the area as a whole of tourist attraction and determines itself with a variety of attraction such as night safaris and gardens on way to the Rainforest zoo. They also become a part of other organisations such as the zoos and wildlife conservation within the country. The animal encounters and rides, feeding times, animal photography, zoo shop plays an important role in the pride of being unique among the other attractions. Price: The cost of the entry is effective when considered the shows and features of the Zoo. The price is $20 per adult and $13 for the Child aged within 6-12. Students concession and group allowances are available when booked as a whole and has to be contacted the organization. They have some plans for the disabled and authorised visitors allowing a free entry for the DDR card holders. Product: The zoo comprises of various shows in exhibiting the wildlife of the organisation and other specific animals such as White tiger, fragile forest, wild Africa, Elephants of Asia, cat country, Orang Utan, Reptile Garden, Polar bear, Proboscis Monkeys, Rainforest Kidzworld, Primate Kingdom, Hamadryas Baboons, Critters Longhouse, Australian outback. It is also considered as the finest zoo in Asia and ranks top among the beautiful zoo of the world too. The animals adopt an open concept of living in the landscape and spread across the vivid and spacious environment separated for the curious spectators with wet and dry moats. The shows are of varieties and the spark for enthusiasm lie in high potential for customers to return often in visiting the zoo. It is considered to be the worlds first zoo with night wild life park on may 26th 1994. It covers the second place for the dense forest divided among the east and west loops. An extraordinary experience with the nocturnal species of more than one thousand animals within a count of 100 species toggled in the technique of soft light of visibility. The night safari is said to the wholesome and popular entertainment in the night attracting almost all the visitors of tourist attractions present in the city. Over the past decade it has not let itself one percent down with the novelty. It has loaded itself with four awards in the recent past including the local and international being a part of the IFEA Pinnacle award of the 2001 with a present title as the Gold winner. The Night safari process is also famous for its Gourmet safari Express. Promotion: The promotions of the organisation comprises of the animal photography, guided tours, Animal encounters and rides, feeding times, foods and beverages, shops in zoo, friendly facilities for the disabled and shows organised according to the periods of season. Education and conservation are part of the promotional scheme for the visitors to get involved with the social space. The childrens world was created in the year of 1973 consisting of the play land and the animal land. The famous miniature train ride that connects the lands together and the animals are placed in such a manner that they exist in their natural habitat unlike the artificial influence and stimulation. The animal land in entitled for the childrens to play and with a real life experience as the domestic animals participate in the play. The domestic animals include the chickens, rabbits and sheep. The play land is efficiently placed with conventional equipments used for play enhancing the space of life. The childrens world has been voted the best location for the kids in the magazine Where Singapore inaugural concierge choice 1999 awards. This is the first world wide entertainment promotion among the other specimens in the same category all around the world to introduce the varieties of elements such as the underwater exhibits an opportunity to view the rare animals within the short span of time as the zoo is just 37 years old. The zoo is amphitheatre centralised that was built in the year 1985 and now it has reached the heights of audience including the primate, reptile and elephant shows starting in the 1970s and helping the launch of amphitheatre with more than 1500 to 2000 seats of accommodation. Awards: The awards have been contributed for the specialised services and splendid inhabitants of the zoo. The Zoo initially started with 270 animals of about 72 species and has grown to an extent of 2000 animals contributing from the 240 species displayed in almost 70 exhibits. The awards are both local and international as listed below; 1999 Best theme Attraction- IMA (Intensive and meetings Asia Awards) 2000 Concierge choice awards Where Singapore Magazine Best place for kids 2001 Leisure attraction of the year Singapore Totalisator Board of Excellence for Singapore award 2001 Singapore tourism Board (STB) Leisure attraction the year 2001. 2002 ASEANTA Asean Tourism Association Awards for excellence: Best New Attraction. Experiences: The various attractions that are found in the organisation is said to be dimensional and are the best experience in ones life after the visit. The new vision of administering and maintaining the species of living example and their conservation is the most important feature. The visitors all over the world have always been satisfied and this organisation has taken the pride of providing more than the cost involved per person for the entertainment. The events organised consist of vivid ceremonies personalised according to the booking made by the individual and general events such as wedding and celebrations of specific occasions are organised in such a way that they are most remembered and considered the best in the minds of celebrated individual family. The vast number of crowds and selection of shows organised in the zoo according with the seasons play an important role for the visit of various visitors and audiences. Marketing Controls: Market research, customer surveys, participation, sponsorship, attendance with on-field success is considered to be the main controls of marketing generally. The e-business plays an important role in the marketing roles for this organisation. The website is specially designed to contribute al the efficiency and entertainment lively probing the customer to participate in the visit. The design of the website enhances the quality and governance of contribution in a specialized way. It also shows complete data of the zoo and further to the facts present it also allots a chance for the participation of the visitor along with the excitement offers. Conclusion: The overall consideration and the above report show the complete focus of the organisation. The report after the examination from the history until the latest score of the organisation considering the facts along with the advantages and disadvantages conclude that they are listed in the top ranking for the attractions world-wide. This result shows the specific activity and growth of their marketing through a new median of e-Business launching their complete attractions and consideration with a virtual view over the available charts of the organisation. The marketing strategies that actively participate in the role of increasing their growth from the past decades have contributed much to their heights of enhancement. Hence the process of growth has taken an important ride in the marketing strategy and mix along with core key of E-Business.
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