Thursday, December 26, 2019
Analysis Of Milhouse Mussolini Van Houten - 1743 Words
PSYCH 6123 Assignment #1: Comprehensive Assessment Process Yorkville University Character Summary Milhouse Mussolini Van Houten is a student at Springfield Elementary school and he is currently in grade four. He lives in a town called Springfield and his Father worked at the local cracker factory until he was recently fired. His parents are Kirk and Luanne Van Houten and they have a strained relationship that resulted in their current seperation. Luanne’s Father owned the cracker factory that Kirk worked at until he was fired. As of this current month, Kirk is living in an apartment separate from Luanne and Milhouse but he spends his weekends with Milhouse. Milhouse refers to his Father as a â€Å"loser†and seems to have more of†¦show more content†¦He also struggles with relationships with his classmates and has trouble interpreting the social-emotional aspects of his life. He has failed at many friendships and often gets frustrated with his inability to establish and maintain true relationships that contribute to his self-awareness, se lf-management and responsible decisions. Informal Assessment As a counselor, it is expected that the results of the assessments completed in order to extract information that can impact or direct the therapeutic programming for the client. The purpose of informal assessment is to allow the counsellor to better understand the needs of the client and identify the client’s willingness and readiness for change. It is the duty of the counsellor to know their client and choose an appropriate assessment that their client will understand (France, Rodriguez Hett, 2013). It is important that early in the initial interview process, the client identifies their goals and the counsellor determines where they are on the stages of change model. This model consists of a continuum with six marks; pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination (Gersten, 2013). Milhouse is in the contemplation stage as he is ready to make a change. He has identified two goals that he would like to work on which include making friends and he would like to stop feeling like he can’t succeed. His parents have recognized that their son struggles with
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Sexism, Defined By Webster’S Dictionary Is “Prejudice Or
Sexism, defined by Webster’s dictionary is â€Å"prejudice or discrimination based on sex†(Merriam Webster). Though the dictionary is said to be reliable and accurate when it comes to definitions, there is something wrong with how it defines sexism. Sexism is in actuality prejudice and discrimination, but towards women, not to both sexes. Living in a patriarchal society, sexism towards men cannot exist, because it would contradict what living in a patriarchal society means. Racism is also defined as â€Å"a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race†(Merriam Webster), however, white people cannot experience racism because racism affects†¦show more content†¦To say that being a girl is an insult is saying that being a girl is the worst thing a person can be. There are so many things a woman should and should not be and often both of those standards contradict themselves. A woman should be a lady, meaning she should dress in â€Å"respectable modest†clothing and be pure before marriage, but she should not reject any man, or she is a prude and stuck up. Women should be sexual, but only when their partner or husband want them to be. If a woman sleeps around she has no respect for herself, but a man sleeping around is automatically a stud. Women are expected to want to be mothers and have a family but breastfeeding in public is still a debate. Society is uncomfortable seeing breasts used for what they were intended for, but will happily pick up a Victoria s Secret catalog or Playboy magazine to see breasts for their own enjoyment. Breasts are acceptable as long as it is for society’s sexual pleasure, but a woman being too revealing on her own is seen as a self-disrespecting, attention seeking whore. Though society sexualizes women in every way possible, they are looked to in disgust when they are sexual and promiscuous for themselves. When it comes to sexual health, people have problem if contraceptives, which can be used for things other than sex related reasons, are government funded because that would mean taxpayers are paying for women to have sex despite the fact that â€Å"Viagra costs roughly $10 per single dose. OralShow MoreRelatedEquality for African Americans After writing my newspaper article on the NAACP, I realized that800 Words  | 4 PagesAmericans After writing my newspaper article on the NAACP, I realized that the African American community needed a renewed sense of belonging, like all the other communities have in this day in age. This sense of being is better known as equality. Webster’s dictionary defines equality as having the same rights, social status and opportunities as others. The African American community has yet to reach a plateau were they are seen as equals. Equalities for African Americans are still a foreign subject, butRead MoreConcept Analysis Critique of Homophobia in Nursing Essay3391 Words  | 14 Pagesprofessionally on a regular basis. Defining this concept and redefining family are both important parts to changing how health care professionals think and are trained and educated. Defining the Concept, Related Terms and Differences Christensen clearly defined the concept of homophobia related to nursing. He explains that nurses often use their own experiences to dictate their care and that if they have issues with homosexuality for personal, religious or other reason that it may interfere with quality
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Systematic Meta Analyses Randomized Trials -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Systematic Meta Analyses Randomized Trials? Answer: Introduction The discussion is true in identifying the conduction of randomized controlled trials as the common scientific procedure for determining the effectiveness of the psychological interventions that are applied upon patients. This can be confirmed by the fact that RCTs provide reliable scientific evidence by eliminating different forms of spurious causality in the results (Bolier et al. 2013). Effects of psychological interventions are most often undetectable when applied on a single or group of individuals. However, studying the effects systematically on a larger population helps to determine the results in a better way. Statements present in the discussion against RCT are confirmed by the fact that the complexity of all biological organisms contribute to differences in their response to stimulus, thereby resulting in unreliable clinical reports. However, the discussion is true in identifying the pitfalls of randomized controlled trials (Deaton and Cartwright 2017). These trials most often fail to achieve heterogeneity among the respondents. Furthermore, in order to achieve statistically significant results, the trials should be conducted on larger population. Moreover, accuracy of the discussion is also established by the fact that practitioner related moderators are found to contribute and directly influence therapeutic outcomes by fostering sense of self-efficacy and h ope in the patients (da Costa and Jni 2014). Furthermore, social impairment, distress and ability of researchers to verbalise feelings, while conducting an RCT may also produce misleading results. Thus, it can be said that the discussion was appropriate in illustrating the limitations of RCTs in psychotherapies. Therefore, there is a need to conduct large scale research in order to estimate psychotherapy outcomes on a population. References Bolier, L., Haverman, M., Westerhof, G.J., Riper, H., Smit, F. and Bohlmeijer, E., 2013. Positive psychology interventions: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.BMC public health,13(1), p.119. da Costa, B.R. and Jni, P., 2014. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized trials: principles and pitfalls.European heart journal,35(47), pp.3336-3345. Deaton, A. and Cartwright, N., 2017. Understanding and misunderstanding randomized controlled trials.Social Science Medicine. Retrieved from-
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sports Gender Differences
Table of Contents Introduction Gender differences in sports Racial based sports discrepancies Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Majority of the sicknesses that people suffer from result from their failure to exercise their bodies. Although they are aware of this fact as well as the role that sports play concerning the immune system of their bodies, they have neglected sports based on claims of issues of gender and racism that dominate the world of sports.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sport’s Gender Differences specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sports psychology has become increasingly interested in evaluating the differences in the sports enrollment and participation. Birrell notes, â€Å"†¦despite the recent increases in female sports participation, girls and boys still do not participate equally in the same sports (32). Even in their most preferred sports, boys and girls differ in enrollmen t in sports depending on the nature of the sports. As Lever claims, â€Å"†¦boys are more likely than girls to engage in sports-related activities that involve teams, complex rule systems, and high levels of interdependency†(475). Racial differences significantly account for sports involvement differences. To this respect, Jon points out that â€Å"While Asians comprise 57% of the world’s population, they â€Å"are virtually invisible in the most democratic world of sports, running, soccer, and basketball†(Para. 7). According to Jon, Africans who only represent 12 % of the population of the world dominate soccer, basketball and running. From the above scholastic arguments, it stands out that differences in sports participation and enrollment exists along racial and gender lines. However, as opposed to what many believe, these discrepancies can be reduced to tolerable levels thereby attracting more people into joining sports and consequently boostin g their immune system. Gender differences in sports The results from State Association Summary of 1989 on a study of 712 high schools of the large mid western state, found out that 42, 299 boys had the probability of playing foot ball, 26, 662 likely to pay basket ball while 19, 368 boys were likely to take part in base ball game. On the other hand, according to the State Association Summary, â€Å"†¦girls were most likely to play basket ball (17,011), volley ball (16306), and outdoor track field (13,478)†(45). On one part this results are paramount in that they actually reflect the obvious scenarios on the ground. For instance, why do different people choose different sports activities from the numerous alternatives available on their table? Gender is one of the reasons.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Different genders possesses different motivational factors whi ch solicit their decisions making process which are expected to be reflected in the decisions made about life indulgencies not only in other activities but also in choice of sporting activities. The influence of self-concept is crucial in as much as explaining the gender instigated sports decisions making process is concerned. As Harold laments, â€Å"†¦self concepts of ability are critical predictors of performance and task choice†(10). Self-concept is however, a determinant criterion of sport choice contributed largely by inculcation of myths and stereotypical arguments about existing abilities of humans based on gender. In as much as it may appear to be true that soccer is principally dominated by men, women soccer teams have also been participating in female soccer competitions worldwide. Many would not agree that women world-cup games, in particular soccer, could attain the recognition and popularity as the male soccer world’s cup competitions. All that matt ers are our willingness and enthusiasm to see the other side of the story. Gender inequality in sports choice is a problem of making especially by considering an example of boxing sports. For many years, women were secluded from this game. The question is, with the incorporation of women boxing sports activities at international level, are there no boxing competitions as entertaining as those conducted by men are? The masculine traits correlation with boxing is actually a stereotypically formulated idea! An argument may ensue that gender sports choice differences is fueled by the perceived differences in the capabilities of gender based criteria and since nothing can be done to ensure biological equity and the physical differences between females and males, the gender differences will persist.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sport’s Gender Differences specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite the facts tha t people are to the tasks that are moderately hard as opposed to very difficult or very easy tasks, as Harold argues, â€Å" whether perceived tasks difficulty relates negatively or curvilinear to tasks choice should depend on individuals motivation orientation, goals and the value the individual attaches to creativity†(10). Goals and values attributes are found not to be any way universal among a particular, gender but rather depend on personalities and talent endowments. In particular, essential to note is the fact that stereotypes of gender roles are salient issues, which are value free. â€Å"Women are stereotyped as less competent especially in intellectual and athletic domains even when they perform equally well†(Harold 12). These stereotypical perceptions serve to discriminate rather than provide evidence of women incapacity to compete with men in sporting activities. According to Harold, â€Å"stereotypes influence children’s developing self concepts, then incorporation of these biased cultural gender role stereotypes could well result in girls having lower self concepts of their intellectual and athletic abilities than boys†(12). Women consequently can amicably raise and dominate the sports activities historically perceived as province of men if these stereotyped minds are altered. The society teaches such beliefs at an early age through the way various genders interact and the way of doing gender roles differentiation (Deeter 89). In the modern world, things have immensely changed. As a result, we have seen the generation of women who can equally bit men in athletics further giving evidence that gender based discrepancies on the sporting abilities of women and men is a mythical and self-making problem, which can easily change based on the general change of the way people perceive issues. Racial based sports discrepancies On a different angle, Jon suggests a model of explaining the differences in sports based on racial g rounds. Through his work, he appreciates that gender is not a big determining factor in sports choice. By citing race, he does not subdivide an individual capacity to participate in sports based on gender since within a given race two genders exist. Even though, the East African does well in long-range athletes, it is not imperative to classify the trend in various talents endowment in terms of whether one is black or white.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More â€Å"The belief that black athletic ability is inversely proportional to black intellectual ability has been used to justify slavery, colonialism, and segregation†(Jon Para. 10). Furthermore, Jon tends to foster the much-opposed position that white men are associated with excellence in tasks that pay the biggest lamps of money. For instance, he claims that athletes from Kenya come from a radius of 60 miles around Eldoret town and that the Kalenjin community focuses on athletics as a way of looking for an alternative way of refocusing their energy after objecting to comply with the colonial rule demands. If this approach was something to concur with, ‘why then does the modern ardent global focus on athletics?’ Even though Jon’s approach does not entail gender-based segregation of the population, it is not acceptable. Conclusion A more acceptable way of rating the observable differences in people’s enrollment participation in various sports could be focused on environmental, social and geographical characteristics bearing in mind that different places or countries are characterized by different availability of sporting equipment and facilities. Jon’s approach, though not entangling gender based analysis of differences in the sports enrollment and participation, uses a racial approach, which seems greatly fought against by people. By taking into consideration the modern attempts to incorporate all genders equally at all sports both at national level and with willingness to change gender and racial stereotypical perceptions, the existing beliefs on dominancy of differences in the sports enrollment and participation can be eroded. Works Cited Birrell, Susan. The Psychological Dimensions of Female Athletic Participation: In M Boutilier L. San Giovanni: The Sporting Woman. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics, 1983. Deeter, Trevor. Re-Modeling Expectancy and Value in Physical Activity. Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology 12.1 (1997): 86-91. Harold, Rena. Gender Differences in Sports: Applying the Eccles’ Expectancy Value Model. Journal of Applied Sports Psychology 3.1 (1997): 7-35. Lever, Janet. Sex Differences in the Complexity of Children’s Play and Games. American Sociological Review 43.4 (1978): 471-483. State Association Summary. 1988-89 sports participation survey. Michigan high school: school athletics association, 1989. Jon, Entine. Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We Are Afraid to Talk About It? New York, NY: BBS Public Affairs, 2000. This essay on Sport’s Gender Differences was written and submitted by user Isaias Green to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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