Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Discuss the film techniques that Hitchcock uses to create suspense in Essay
Talk about the film strategies that Hitchcock uses to make anticipation in Psycho - Essay Example rther, the paper will portray various scenes and scenes loaded up with anticipation and pressure in this film, with a nearby reference to the exercises that will be occurring. At the main example, Hitchcock drives his crowd in a misguided course and makes them believe that Psycho is a sentimental film and that it conveys a romantic tale by introducing Sam Loomis and Marion Crane in the room. Later Marion takes cash from her chief and he makes the crowd believe that the topic of the film will be love and wrongdoing (Leitech and Poague 65). Be that as it may, the topic of this film is neither love nor wrongdoing, however it is a spine chiller film. Truth be told, the principle character in this film dies before the film is most of the way. Another snapshot of anticipation and stun is the point at which the crowd understands that Norman Bates gets into garments that resemble those of his mom. His conduct is preposterous paying little heed to the reasons he had for dressing like a lady. The second strategies that Hitchcock utilizes are bogus anticipation. Bogus anticipation gives the crowd a great deal of stun on the grounds that they can't foresee what will occur (Skerry 118). He made bogus tension in different manners. The primary example is the point at which a cop discovers Marion resting in her vehicle by the side of the road. The crowd expects that she will be captured, and the cash that she was diverting taken by the cop, however neither of these things occur. Rather, the cop permits her to drive away without suspecting anything regardless of her disquiet. All the more bogus tension rises when the crowd sees the cop following her intently behind her vehicle, and for a second, the crowd believes that the cop is attempting to examine the substance of her sack, or even hold onto it for looking (Skerry 118). The second case where Hitchcock makes bogus tension is when Marion goes to purchase a recycled vehicle. A snapshot of strain emerges as the crowd sees a cop watching her developments, particularly her panicky appearance and rushed exercises. Hitchcock shows another snapshot of tension
Saturday, August 22, 2020
resistence basic guide :: essays research papers
An essential manual for obstruction. Electron Flow Model Everything is made of little particles called molecules. Every particle has an overwhelming decidedly charged core and is encircled by a haze of light, contrarily charged, electrons. In metals, the external most electron of every molecule is feebly pulled in to the positive core and can escape from the particle and meander around between the iotas. [Note 1] Thus, in metals, we have every one of these a great many electrons zooming about at rapid, in arbitrary headings, between the fixed molecules. At the point when you interface the bit of metal over a battery every one of these electrons are as yet zooming about aimlessly, BUT they are additionally compelled to gradually float one way. This moderate float is known as the current. [Note 2] As the electrons are constrained through the metal they crash into the molecules and move vitality to them. This is the place the word obstruction comes in. The electrons experience protection from their constrained development between the molecules. At the point when the electrons crash into the molecules the electrons lose vitality and delayed down, the particles gain vitality and vibrate quicker. You should realize that the quicker the vibration of particles the more smoking the temperature of the material is. So the vitality from the battery, that is utilized to drive the electrons to move, is moved to the particles, and we consider this to be the metal getting more sultry. The obstruction of a metal consistently prompts a warming impact when a current is gone through it. The size of the obstruction will rely upon the sort of metal, and its measurements. Note 1 The ordinary course of action of molecules in metals is known as the "lattice" or "crystal lattice". The electrons are not totally liberated from the cores so it isn't exactly right to depict the electrons as "free electrons" or the iotas as "positive ions". Nonetheless, in numerous books you will see metals depicted as "a ocean of electrons moving arbitrarily through a cross section of positive ions." In more current books and your GCSE determination you may discover the particle parts portrayed as "positive nuclear kernels". Anyway, this entire game plan is known as "metal bonding" and the fascination of the electrons to the positive nuclear pieces delivers the trademark properties of metals. Note 2 The current in a metal is because of the float of electrons. Without the nuclear model numerous individuals get the possibility that charges (electrons) stream out of one finish of a battery, through the wire, and afterward back in to the opposite finish of the battery.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Jealousy Is a Wasted Emotion
Jealousy Is a Wasted Emotion We all get jealous, dont we? Actually, no, not everyone experiences jealousy as an emotion. I dont get jealous. Its true: I dont experience jealously as an emotion. Yes, I experience sadness, happiness, anger, euphoria, and a plethora of other emotionsâ€"but not jealousy. Why? Because, unlike many emotions, we can choose to not experience jealousy. After years of observing people getting jealous in myriad ways, I understand that our culture is riddled with jealousy, envy, and greed, all of which are by-products of our competitive, consumer-driven culture. Whats worse is that its far more pernicious than we think. Competition breeds jealousy, though we often give it prettier labels like competitive spirit or stick-to-itiveness or ambition. But the truth is that jealousy leads to certain cultural imperativesâ€"what we commonly refer to as keeping up with the Joneses. Thus, we envy Mr. and Mrs. Jones for their money and large house and luxury cars and big boat and weekend retreat and fancy vacations and all the trappings of our heavily mediated society. But of course we dont get jealous solely over material possessions. We also get jealous over our relationships. We think our friends dont spend enough time with us, our lovers dont care about us as much as they should, our customers arent loyal enough. It all revolves around us: He doesnt spend enough time with me. She doesnt care enough about me. We think this way because its hard to back away from ourselves, its hard to realize I am not the center of the universe. There is good news, though. Like our televisions, we can chose to turn it off. We can choose to remove jealousy from our emotional arsenal. And like TV, its not always easy to turn off (it sure seems interesting sometimes, doesnt it?). But turning off jealousy can significantly improve ones emotional health. Because, at the end of the day, jealousy is never useful. Many negative emotions can be usefulâ€"pain tells us something is wrong, fear tells us to look before we leapâ€"but jealousy, no matter how jealous we get, will never help. But how? The easiest way to turn jealousy off is to stop questioning other peoples intentions. We often get jealous because we think a person meant one thing by their actions, when they meant something totally different. And the truth is that youll never know someones real intent, so its a waste of time to question it. If youre struggling with questioning someones intent, you can do one of two things: Ask them what they meant by their actions or words. Or accept that you will never know their true intent, no matter how much you question it. The bottom line with jealousy: you can turn it off. Jealousy is ugly: it is never a way to express we careâ€"it’s only a channel through which we broadcast our insecurities. Let it goâ€"a better life is waiting on the other side of jealousy. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay example - 639 Words
The first main event that I believe led to Anne Moody becoming an activist for Civil Rights was when she was younger, her cousin George Lee was babysitting and he burned down the house in a fit of rage and when Daddy gets home he blames it on Essie Mae (Anne Moody). This foreshadows all of life’s injustices that will be thrown her way. The next time was when she made friends with white neighbors and they decided to go to the movies, Anne couldn’t sit with her friends, she had to sit in the balcony with all of the other blacks. She did not understand why it was this way. Another event was when she was in high school, she changes her name to Anne Moody, and a white boy, whose name was Emmitt Till who was visiting from Chicago, whistled at a†¦show more content†¦She showed them that they could be equal. The only difference was the color of the skin. She taught them that that wasn’t even a big difference. She fought segregation her entire life. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The most drastic incident that happened to Anne was when she was working in Canton, Mississippi for a cause of voter registration. People involved in the movement are dying left and right, and this becomes very discouraging to her. She finds out that she is on the KKK black list and fears for her life. She finds out that her family is also afraid and they stop talking to her. She quits her job and moves back to Canton and goes back to her family. She sees how complacent her family is and this frustrates her. Her family treated her like a stranger, and when she graduated from Tougaloo, no one showed up for her graduation. In the end of the book, McKinley is murdered in front of nonviolent civil rights activists. Anne Moody wonders if things will ever work out. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Growing up in the north, and being white, we were taught in school what the conditions were in the south and all over America for blacks. I never really thought much of it, like many kids my age, because it never affected me. I’ve been told by teachers, speakers, and whoever else my school would bring in to tell us about what it was like for blacks back in the 1940’s and the 1950’s. After I read the book, Coming of Age in Mississippi, I realized what it was really likeShow MoreRelatedComing of Age in Mississippi2022 Words  | 9 PagesComing of Age in Mississippi Anne Moody Questions: 1. What did the murder of Samuel O’Quinn do to Anne Moody? 2. What were the causes of Anne Moody’s relationship with her mother changing when she went to college at Tougaloo? 3. During the movement, why was organizing in Canton, Mississippi so much more difficult than in Jackson, Mississippi? Introduction Coming of Age in Mississippi is an autobiographical book written by Anne Moody. The book entails the struggles throughout an AfricanRead MoreThe Monograph Coming of age in Mississippi1286 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ MONOGRAPH PAPER COMING OF AGE IN MISSISSIPPI Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody was published on 1968. This autobiography is memoires of Anne Moody about growing up poor and black in the rural Mississippi. The book was divided into four parts from childhood until her late 20s that described the experiences of Anne Moody in the Civil Rights Movement and her struggles against racism. Anne Moody was born in the 1940s which was the time after World War IIRead MoreComing of Age in Mississippi Essay806 Words  | 4 Pages As if growing up wasnt turbulent enough, Anne Moody grew up during a crucial time in American History. It was during this time that race and civil rights took center stage in her home state of Mississippi. Young women face many physical and emotional changes during their teenage years, regardless of when and where they grew up. However, for Anne Moody, and other young black women, there was the instability in race relations to deal with as well. During her younger childhood years, Anne wasRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi1342 Words  | 6 PagesDeandra Green Professor Joshua Jeffers United States History II 3 November 2015 Coming of Age in Mississippi The book Coming of Age in Mississippi goes into detail about a very prominent time in United States history. The book takes us back to a time where the issue of civil rights began to rise eventually reaching its peak marking this an unforgettable time in history for that generation and for generations to come. During this time the south in general was already a tough place to be in, butRead MoreComing of Age in Mississippi and Segregation Essay1304 Words  | 6 PagesComing of Age in Mississippi is an autobiography of the famous Anne Moody. Moody grew up in mist of a Civil Rights Movement as a poor African American woman in rural Mississippi. Her story comprises of her trials and tribulations from life in the South during the rise of the Civil Rights movement. Life during this time embraced segregation, which made life for African Americans rough. As an African American woman growing up during the Civil Rights movement, Moody has a unique story on themes likeRead MoreAnne Moody Coming Of Age In Mississippi1626 Words  | 7 PagesAnne Moody’s autobiography, Coming of Age in Mississippi, depicts the various stages of her life from childhood, to high school, then to college, and ends with her involvement in the Civil Rights Movement. In the novel, Anne tells the reader her story through events, conversations, and emotional struggles. The reader can interpret various elements of cultural knowledge that Anne Moody learned from her family and community as a child. Her understanding of the culture and race relations of the timeRead MoreEssay about Coming Of Age In Mississippi1377 Words  | 6 Pages Coming of Age in Mississippi is an eye-opening testimony to the racism that exemplified what it was like to be an African American living in the south before and after the civil rights movements in the 50s and 60s. African Americans had been given voting and citizen rights, but did not and to a certain degree, still can not enjoy these rights. The southern economy that Anne Moody was born into in the 40s was one that was governed and ruled by a bunch of whites, many of which who very prejudiceRead MoreAnne Moodys Coming of Age in the Mississippi1268 Words  | 6 Pageswas with her white skinned â€Å"black†relatives. â€Å"If it wasn’t the straight hair and the white skin that made you white, then what was it?†3 The racial hierarchy was not only comprised of blacks and whites, which Essie-Mae Moody discovered at a young age. In between white and black were all shades of people, some almost flaunted their white qualities and lighter skin, and even acted supe rior to those of darker shades even among relatives. However, Essie didn’t understand why â€Å"†¦ they hated Mama andRead MoreComing of Age in Mississippi- Anne Moody797 Words  | 4 Pagesbegins with Anne as a four-year-old child watching her parents work everyday for Mr. Carter, a white plantation owner. She witnessed several black farmers living in rotten, two-room wooden shacks. It was most likely evident to her, even at that early age, that Whites were the affluent, upper-class. She elucidates her recognition of the difference in living conditions in the following statements: It seemed as though we were always moving. Every time it was a house on some white man s place andRead MoreComing of Age in Mississippi vs. The Jungle Paper1039 Words  | 5 PagesComing of Age in Mississippi vs. The Jungle Paper There is an argument that states that Anne Moodys tale in Coming of Age in Mississippi is a more optimistic tale then that of Jurgis Rutkis in The Jungle and vice versa. This is not the case. When you take the time to analyze both story, you come to find that both have the same pessimistic core. The only difference is the character Jurgis was optimist throughout most of the beginning despite his circumstances yet in the end he loses all hope
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs - 946 Words
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs addresses the evaluation of the motivation and productivity of individuals based on whether certain needs, such as food and safety, have been met before others can be fulfilled, like self-actualization. Abraham Maslow created this theory. He states that there are five levels within a hierarchy, where the needs in each lower level must be substantially fulfilled before issues in higher levels can be addressed. The lowest and most basic level, the physiological level, includes biological and bodily needs such as hunger, thirst, sex, and shelter. Once these needs are substantially met, the needs of the following level, safety, can be addressed. Safety includes human needs of protection and security from physical and emotional harm. The following level, social, refers to the more emotional needs of humans, like friendship, acceptance, belonging, and acceptance. The fourth level, esteem, regards internal factors, like self-respect and achievement, and ex ternal factors, such as status, recognition, and attention. The final level is self-actualization, where individuals are driven to achieve their full potential, to achieve their full potential, growth, and self-fulfillment. This theory states that people act the way that they do based on whether certain needs have been met. For example, if the lower-order needs of physiological and safety needs have not been met, then someone cannot be concerned with social needs, like friendship. Each need does notShow MoreRelatedMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1741 Words  | 7 PagesMaslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s. The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs include five levels, and at the certain extent, reflect the rule of human s activities on psychological and behavior. Herzberg’ describe the more details of worker agree or disagree about working. In this essay, more related knowledge details and effects will de described, then, analysis the two theories individual, choose a better one. II. Describe the two theories. 2.1Maslow’s hierarchy of needs The Maslow’s hierarchy of needsRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1536 Words  | 7 Pagesunderstanding of how to motivate different personality types. In the research I am going to compare Maslow’s hierarchy of needs against Lawrence and Nohira’s 4 drive theory in an attempt to better understand their possible uses inside an organizational structure. Let’s first take a look a look at the two theories before discussing their potential benefit. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We need to keep in mind that Maslow’s field was phycology, so his research was done from a medical viewpoint more soRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1524 Words  | 7 PagesSummary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow developed the theories of motivation because he felt that the sophistication of human behavior could not be portrayed through reinforcement or rewards. He felt that human action were directed toward realization and fulfillments and that behavior could be gratified while using multiple types of needs at the same time. Maslow wanted to find positive motivation as to why people react or engage in certain behaviors. He felt that basic survivalRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1295 Words  | 6 PagesMaslow’s hierarchy of needs (p. 379 in EP)? Outline each level and discuss how it relates to motivation. Abraham Maslow was born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He originally studied law because of the influence of my parents, but after marrying his first cousin, Bertha Goodman, and moving to Wisconsin, he became interested in psychology. After achieving his Masters in Psychology, Maslow moved back to Brooklyn and started teaching at a school there. â€Å"One of the many interesting things Maslow noticedRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs982 Words  | 4 PagesAbraham Maslow was one of the most influential and important educational psychologists and is recognized by many for his theory on mankind’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s theory which is known as â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs†is best explained as a pyramid of needs that we as humans must meet in order to progress to another stage of needs. There are five stages in the pyramid of needs and they go as follows: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and finally self-actualization. MaslowRead MoreMaslow s The Hierarchy Of Needs1769 Words  | 8 Pages Summary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Jennifer Thompson Arkansas Tech University Author Note This individual research paper is being submitted on October 13, 2014 for Loretta Cochran’s Management [BUAD 3123] course. â€Æ' Summary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow developed the theories of motivation because he felt that the sophistication of human behavior could not be portrayed through reinforcement or rewards. He felt that human action were directed toward realizationRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1846 Words  | 8 PagesAbraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of needs (HON) to try and explain human psychological developments and how these manifest themselves into a worker’s life. We will explore some issues brought up by the model and why it may lack a certain the degree of unification and how it could potentially work better if entwined with other views. Motivation is the â€Å"word derived from the word ’motive’ It’s the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals†(guide, 2017) Also, MaslowRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1498 Words  | 6 Pagesjust want to survive in life they want to flourish. Maslow s hierarchy of needs explains to us a ranking of needs for most essential to the least. While the interactionist point of view explains how humans are social creatures and social interaction is just as important as all of the other needs listed on Maslow’s Model. Maslow s hierarchy of needs is a ranking of needs for most essential to the least. Corrections Today explains that Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist born in New York, heRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs Essay1527 Words  | 7 Pages This international technology company demands strong motivation, stupendous leadership and great understanding between workers. Leaders need to create willingness amongst the employees to operate at their highest potential; this willingness is referred to as motivation. This report is based on a content/needs theory of motivation (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). It consists of two pieces of primary research on the theory. The first one summarises worker motivation on selected construction sites inRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1388 Words  | 6 Pages Abraham Maslow was an American philosopher who was born in the early 1990 s in Brooklyn, New York. He was one of the leading theorists that promoted humanistic psychology during his era. Maslow sought to understand what motivates and inspires individuals. He theorized that individuals possess and hold a group of motivation and incentive systems not related to plunder or insensible desires. Maslow declared that people are motivated and provoked to attain certain needs. When one need is fulfilled
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
My Personal Testimony Essay Example For Students
My Personal Testimony Essay Im the luckiest person in the world and I didnt even have to play the lottery. What makes me feel as though Im so lucky is the fact that I had to overcome some challenges as a child. The first challenge I completed before I turn five years old. Life has treated me fairly and I cant complain about that and I count my blessing every day. I was able to overcome a heart surgery at a young age, have four great kids, and still have a healthy lifestyle. As a child, I was always sick and the doctors couldnt figure out what was wrong with me. It wasnt until my third birthday when my mother took me to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. At that time I was diagnosed will a heart defect and I learned that I had a hole in my heart, about the size of a pin hole. Although it was small, it was draining fluid and it was the reason that caused me to become very sick so the doctors had to do an emergency heart surgery. At this time my mom was scared and didnt think I was going to make it. After a long five hour surgery was when I got my first lucky break. I was able to recover out of surgery with no known complications. The doctors did also informed my mother that I wouldnt be able to have any kids or do extra activity, like for example, track, cross country, etc. My next lucky break in life was when I had my first child at the age of nineteen. Although, they told me I couldnt have kids. I was not going to let that stop me from having kids and that made my OBGYN very scared of me. After having my first child with no complication, I went on having three mores healthy kids and all of my kids are two years apart. So, altogether I have four kids which consist of two girls and two boys. My last little girl was the specialist because she has one dark brown eye and one hazel eye. My finally lucky break is being able to have a healthy life. Im bless because I dont have to worry about the fact of being overweight or underweight. I keep in good health because I make sure that Im eating right. Im able to engage in sports or other fitness related activities and right now Im currently sign up at LA Fitness. Im also able to keep up with my kids and raised them the right way. Plus, I have a great job that can support me and my family, while attending school full time. In conclusion, although I had a hole in my heart at birth which in turn made me sick and then I had to have heart surgery at the age of three, I think life treated me fairly. Despise all the bad and negative things that the doctors told my mom that I wasnt going to able to do. I have gotten a lucky break in life and I was able to do everything that the doctor said I wasnt going to be able to do. So now Im living a healthy life with my family and I wouldnt change it for the world.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
The Motives Of Jeffrey Dahmer Essay Research free essay sample
The Motivations Of Jeffrey Dahmer Essay, Research Paper The Motivations of Jeffrey Dahmer It? s a beautiful twenty-four hours. The Sun is out and the birds are peeping. Breakfast is ready and the childs are really collaborating with their forenoon rites fixing for school. You sit down at the kitchen tabular array with a steaming cup of java, take a breathing in repose, as you begin to indulge yourself into the forenoon paper. And that? s when it happens. ? HOUSE OF HORRORS UNCOVERED WITH THE ARREST OF LOCAL CANNIBAL KILLER, ? is what the headline read. To the faultfinders, this would non make much concern. But, for most of us in the summer of 1991, the horrors that were uncovered in flat 213 on Milwaukee? s North twenty-fifth St. sent shockwaves through the state. Jeffrey Dahmer commanded the attending of all America, making a bombilation about the term? cannibal? and resparking arguments about the phenomenon of the consecutive slayer. We will write a custom essay sample on The Motives Of Jeffrey Dahmer Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When the slaughter was over the organic structure count had risen to 17. All of Dahmer? s victims were minority work forces. Typically Dahmer would travel to a homosexual saloon, score a chosen adult male, and convey him back to his flat. He frequently lured them to his topographic point by offering them money to take bare exposures of them. Once they were in his flat they would imbibe and hold sex. At some point Dahmer would blend up a drink with powdery Halcion and give it to the victim. The Halcion instantly made the victim base on balls out. Once the victim was unconscious he would go on to hold sex with them. His following measure was to kill them by choking. When the victim was deceased Dahmer would so hold sex with them once more before the procedure of taking apart began. Dahmer chopped up his victims. Some of the organic structure parts were eaten by Dahmer and saved in the deep-freeze. The other parts of the organic structure ended up in a barrel of acerb Dahmer had concoc ted to disintegrate the corpses. What sort of a human being does this? If we could happen what motivates one to perpetrate such atrociousnesss, wouldn? T we be able so to acknowledge these scenarios in the hereafter in order to halt them. In the undermentioned pages I will research what motivated Jeffrey Dahmer to kill. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer on May 21, 1960. During Jeffrey? s childhood, Lionel had gotten through his unmarried mans and Masterss grades. He was in the procedure of a grueling Ph.D when Jeffrey started acquiring into problem. Because of the deficiency of clip on Lionel? s custodies, he asked a local probation officer to examine immature Jeffrey to happen the beginning of his problems. Jeffrey confessed to the probation officer that a vicinity male child had sexually molested him. Don Davis? book, The Milwaukee Murders, quotes the probation officer as stating that possibly that incident? may be the ground why Jeffrey has jobs with gender issues. ? The Milwaukee Murders besides reports that Jeffrey? s schoolmates had a difficult clip linking with him. Jeffrey was really polite, orderly, and willing to delight, blinking a soft smiling when he was complimented. Jeffrey was obsessed with taking apart. From the age of 12 he would kill isolated animate beings and hone his technique. He concocted a brew of acids that would deprive the flesh right off the bone. Dahmer would subsequently utilize this technique on his human victims. By contrast, Dahmer displayed a authoritative passive/aggressive personality. Answer ME! ; publish 2 ; 1992, reports that Jeffrey? s parents screamed at each other all the clip and finally got a divorce by the clip he finished high school. After the divorce, Jeffrey? s female parent took his younger brother and moved to Wisconsin, go forthing Jeffrey behind. Dahmer ever did experience closer to his Mother and felt greatly abandoned by her departure. He was really smart, academically. He felt as though his male parent didn? t value him much. ? There was non much of a bond, ? Dahmer subsequently said. ANSWER ME! besides reports that, in an effort t o win over friends in school, Jeffrey tried to be the category buffoon. His attempts were in vena, as his effort at wit was non good received. So, what does it all mean? Does it sound all that unusual? My decision is that I have found that there is something even scarier than the horrid things that Jeffrey Dahmer did. What is scariest of all is that a cannibalistic slayer could emerge from anyplace. Compared to the mean American upbringing, Dahmer? s childhood was non all that extreme. These may hold been some of the cardinal factors into what motivated the adult male to kill. And, these features are common among consecutive slayers. But, these are features shared by 1000000s of Americans. Harold Schechter says in his book, Deviant, that? a consecutive slayer of his quality is like Halley? s Comet. They come about one time every 75 years. ? So what is he proposing? That, possibly, it is all merely a Numberss game? That although many of us portion the same experiences some of us merely merely travel bad? People Weekly ; Dec 12, 1994 reported that, while in gaol, Jeffrey accepted Christ, attended church on a regular basis, an d even got baptized. Dahmer clearly showed compunction when stating, ? I do non merit to populate for what I have done. I am regretful that I have non been sentenced to die. ? Dahmer was clearly capable of rational idea. A fellow inmate killed Dahmer on November 28, 1994 merely five yearss after wishing for his ain decease. $ 407,000 was raised, from auctioning off Dahmer? s ownerships, to assist the victim? s households, ABA Journal ; August 1996. Despite the horrific and demonic things the adult male did, The Wall Street Journal ; Feb. 11, 1992, says it best when they quote Dahmer? s defence lawyer, Gerald Boyle, as stating, ? This was non an evil adult male, he was a ill adult male. ? 409 The Milwaukee Murders ; St. MArtins ; 1995 ANSWER ME! ; publish 2 ; Goad To Hell ; 1992 Peoples Weekly ; Dec. 12, 1994 The Wall Street Journal ; Feb. 11, 1992
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Changing Heart Rates Study essays
Changing Heart Rates Study essays Nervous control of heart beat - Page 4 Broker, (2011) states that 'the cardiac cycle is the cyclical contraction (systole) and the relaxation (diastole) of the two atria and the ventricles.' Each cycle is initiated by the spontaneous generation of an action potential in the sinoatrial node. Diastole lasts around 0.4 seconds. Increasing pressure in the ventricles closes the triaspid and mitral valves; this then means that all four valves are closed. Ventricular pressure continues to rise until eventually the pulmonary and aortic valves are forced open and blood is ejected into the pulmonary artery and aorta (Crowley, 1996). When the heart rate is increased the amount of time the diastole and systole take place is shortened, so that more blood is pumped out in one minute. During aerobic exercise cellular respiration in muscle cells need to increase significantly to maintain its performance. When exercising, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is needed in order for muscles to contact (Brown, 2006). This provides energy and allows movement on demand. When muscles contract hard and as fast, we use ATP far faster than it can be possibly made. Whilst exercising, ATP is made using a chemical reaction that requires oxygen. The oxygen comes from the air breathed into the lungs and is then carried to the muscles in the hemoglobin of the red blood cell. This way of making ATP is called aerobic respiration. This is the breakdown of glucose with oxygen to provide energy for the muscle cells. It produces heat which increases body temperature and carbon dioxide which we breath out. To maintain a steady supply of glucose and oxygen to working muscles, and the removal of carbon dioxide will allow an increase in stroke volume (Sherwood, 2012). During exercise, the card iovascular system works harder. It needs to deliver oxygen to muscles. The volume delivered by each beat of the heart (stroke volume) increases. Whilst exercising, the initial increase i...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Individual Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Individual Case Study - Essay Example To maintain ethics in the society, there needs orders and legal protections to protect kids and avoid harm. Greater power is needed in the government to help control ethical egoism in firms to help curb cigarette smoking among young adults as it is an unhealthy lifestyle. Joe Camel case created a lot of controversy as issues related to smoking and health continued increasing. Maintaining integrity and goods morals in business is important. Businesses should accountable to the society by ensuring that their operations are ethical. The normative standards ethical model would have been the best as it would have helped Joe Camel from getting into trouble with the law. They would have been accountable and avoided making their advertisements personal especially among children. Social responsibility school of thought that was being used allowed the business to make profit and be responsive to the society. The invisible hand school of thought would have been the best as it would have allowed the government too set standards for the firm to operate
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Annotated bibliography/ Intelligence and Emotional development and Bibliography
/ Intelligence and Emotional development and self-esteem - Annotated Bibliography Example This paper focuses only on emotional development and self esteem and is written as an annotated bibliography in order to learn more about self esteem and emotional development. This article defines and explains self esteem in simple words. It says that â€Å"Self esteem is your opinion of yourself†. It explains that self esteem depends on question like: Is your job worthwhile? Do others respect what you do? Do you?;Do you believe you are successful?; How do you see yourself (your self image)?; How do you feel about your strengths and weaknesses?; Are you comparing yourself to others and ignoring the unique value that you have?; What do you think of your social status?; How do you relate to others?; Can you make your own decisions?. The above article divides self esteem into two; low self esteem and high self esteem and explains both of it in simple terms. Alexandria, NSW 2015. This book, which is available on Google defines self esteem as how we think and feel about ourselves. It refers to our looks, abilities and relationships. Apart from providing definition, this book explains the methods of measuring self esteem, high and low self esteems, body image, methods to boost self esteem, positive thinking, etc. It also explains some of the psychological disorders like depression and eating disorder caused by low self esteem. This book also explains how do we get self esteem and the different entities which can affect the development of a person’s self esteem. This article says that by the time a child becomes three years old, he or she will become an emotionally complex person who has experienced a wide range of emotions. Parents and
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Determination of Partition Coefficient
Determination of Partition Coefficient
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Breast Reconstruction :: essays research papers
Post-mastectomy breast reconstruction is not a simple procedure. Reconstruction of a breast is done when the natural breast has to be removed due to cancer or other diseases. Breast removal is referred to as mastectomy. The best candidates are women whose cancer has been eliminated by breast removal. Women with other health conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure or smoking, may be advised to wait. Surgeons are now able to create a breast that can come close to looking like a natural breast. Reconstruction can be done immediately following mastectomy. The patient will wake up with a breast mound already in place. So the woman does not have to go through the trauma of waking up without her other breast. A tissue expander is inserted following the mastectomy to prepare for reconstruction. The expander is gradually filled with saline through a separate tube to stretch the skin enough to accept an implant beneath the chest muscle. After the surgery the breast mound is restored. The areola is reconstructed at a later date. With flap surgery, tissue is taken from the back and tunneled to the front of the chest wall to support the reconstructed breast. The transported tissue forms a flap for a breast implant, or it may provide enough bulk to form the breast mound without an implant. Tissue may be taken from the abdomen and tunneled to the breast or surgically transplanted to form a ne w breast mound. After surgery, the breast mound, and areola are restored. Scars at the breast, and abdomen will fade with time, but may never disappear entirely. Your reconstructed breast may feel firmer and look rounder or flatter than your natural breast. It may not have the same shape as your breast before mastectomy, and it will not match your other breast. But the difference will only be noticeable to you. For most mastectomy patients, breast reconstruction dramatically improves their appearance and quality of life following surgery.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Future Goals of Nursing Essay
During my childhood and early teenage years, I can remember my English teachers asking things like â€Å"what do you want to be when you grow up?†and â€Å"What do you want to study in college?†As a child I would give a quick sentence or a couple of words of how I wanted to be a teacher, a counselor, or a marine biologist. As a student I have been expected to outline and prepare written papers about what I wanted to be when I grow up. My answers varied each and every year. I can remember many kids saying they wanted to become a nurse or a doctor. I can never remember wanting to become a nurse myself. It is through hearing the many stories I have heard from family members that are in the medical field and a sister that became a CAN and had planned to be a nurse that made me really begin thinking about nursing as a possible career. The further I learned and read about nursing, the more I was intrigued. I chose to take Health Occupations 1 at KEC this year, my senior yea r in High School. By the end of this course I will become a CNA. Through this experience, it has not only provided me a deeper look into the medical field, but also has given my hands-on experience. I have come to realize that working in this environment and doing some of the dirtiest jobs seems to be a natural fit for me. I have surprised myself at my ability to do some of the jobs that most dread. It is my personality to want to help others and be there for them during their hard times, being the medical field can allow me to do just that. I am aware that the training required to become a nurse is challenging and I am ready and willing to take this challenge on to get the training needed in order to become a nurse. I am excited about learning all that I need to learn. My future goal is to go through medical school, and become a Union Registered Nurse where I can help others and be in the midst of the medical field, which I love.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Horny Toad Lizard Facts (Phrynosoma)
The horny toad is actually a lizard (a reptile) and not a toad (an amphibian). The genus name Phrynosoma means toad bodied and refers to the animals flattened, round body. There are 22 species of horned lizard and several subspecies. Fast Facts: Horny Toad Lizard Scientific Name: PhrynosomaCommon Names: Horny toad, horned lizard, short-horned lizard, horntoadBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: 2.5-8.0 inchesLifespan: 5-8 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Deserts and semi-arid parts of North AmericaPopulation: Decreasing to stableConservation Status: Least Concern to Near Threatened Description The horny toad has a squat, flattened body and a blunt nose like a toad, but its life cycle and physiology are that of a lizard. Each species is distinguished by the number, size, and arrangement of the crown of horns on its head. The lizard has spines on its back and tail that are modified reptile scales, while the horns on its head are true bony horns. Horny toads come in shades of red, brown, yellow, and gray and can change their color to a certain extent to camouflage themselves against their surroundings. Most horny toads are less than 5 inches long, but some species reach 8 inches in length. Habitat and Distribution Horny toads live in arid to semi-arid regions of North America, from southwestern Canada through Mexico. In the United States, they occur from Arkansas west to California. They live in deserts, mountains, forests, and grasslands. Diet The lizards are insectivores that prey primarily on ants. They also eat other slow-moving ground-dwelling insects (sow bugs, caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers) and arachnids (ticks and spiders). The toad either slowly forages or else waits for prey and then catches it with its sticky, long tongue. Horny toads use their sticky tongues to catch prey.  ebettini / Getty Images Behavior Horny toads feed early in the day. When ground temperature becomes too hot, they seek shade or dig themselves into the ground to rest (aestivation). In the winter and when temperatures drop in the evening, the lizards brumate by digging into the ground and entering a period of torpor. They may cover themselves completely or leave only their nostrils and eyes exposed. Horny toads have interesting and distinctive methods of self-defense. In addition to camouflage, they use their spines to make their shadows blurry and to deter predators. When threatened, they puff up their bodies so their large size and spines make them harder to swallow. At least eight species can squirt a directed stream of blood from the corners of their eyes up to 5 feet. The blood contains compounds, presumably from the ants in the lizards diet, that are distasteful to canines and felines. Reproduction and Offspring Mating occurs in late spring. Some species bury eggs in the sand, which incubate for several weeks before hatching. In other species, eggs are retained in the females body and the young hatch shortly before, during, or after egg-laying. The number of eggs varies by species. Between 10 and 30 eggs may be laid, with an average clutch size of 15. The eggs are about a half inch in diameter, white, and flexible. Hatchlings are 7/8 to 1-1/8 inches long. They have horns like their parents, but their spines develop later. The hatchlings receive no parental care. Horny toads reach sexual maturity when they are two years old and live between 5 and 8 years. Juvenile horny toads resemble their parents, but are smaller in size.  Design Pics / Getty Images Conservation Status Most horny toad species are classified as least concern by the IUCN. Phrynosoma mcallii has a conservation status of near threatened. There is insufficient data to evaluate Phrynosoma ditmarsi or the Sonoran horned lizard, Phrynosoma goodei. Some species populations are stable, but many are decreasing. Threats Humans pose the greatest threat to horny toad survival. The lizards are collected for the pet trade. In areas near human habitation, pest control threatens the lizards food supply. Horny toads are also affected by fire ant invasions, as they are selective about the ant species they eat. Other threats include habitat loss and degradation, disease, and pollution. Sources Degenhardt, W.G., Painter, C.W.; Price, A.H. Amphibians and Reptiles of New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996.Hammerson, G.A. Phrynosoma hernandesi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2007: e.T64076A12741970. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2007.RLTS.T64076A12741970.enHammerson, G.A., Frost, D.R.; Gadsden, H. Phrynosoma mcallii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2007: e.T64077A12733969. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2007.RLTS.T64077A12733969.enMiddendorf III, G.A.; Sherbrooke, W.C.; Braun, E.J. Comparison of Blood Squirted from the Circumorbital Sinus and Systemic Blood in a Horned Lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum. The Southwestern Naturalist. 46 (3): 384–387, 2001. doi:10.2307/3672440Stebbins, R.C. A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians (3rd ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 2003.
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